Chapter 18

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"Derek, stay awake." Peters voice called out somewhere in the background, his voice sounding pained, but all Derek could do was cough up blood as Deucalion twisted the knife in his shoulder.

His werewolf healing would have came in handy right about now, but the wolfsbane wouldn't let him heal.

"Where is the volt?" Deucalion shouted and Derek opened his eyes to see the bright red alpha eyes looking right at him.

"Fuck you." Derek spat as Deucalion pushed the knife in further.

"Fine, if you won't tell me where it is maybe you will tell my new friend." Deucalion responded glaring at Peter as he walked towards the door opening it. "You're up."

Derek glanced down at the knife still imbedded in his shoulder, but looked back at Deucalion not liking the sight of it.

He watched as Deucalion walked back to the stairs and his heart stopped when he spotted the other person entering the room.

"Cora?" Derek and Peter both asked in shock.

The young werewolf didn't even answer, she just followed Deucalion, standing next to him.

"What did you do to her?" Derek shouted flashing his eyes at the alpha.

"Something that I didn't think would work." Deucalion answered with a grin.

"Cora, remember what I told you?" Deucalion asked and the girl nodded walking towards her brother.

"Cora whatever Deucalion has done, you have to fight it." Peter said watching his niece grab the knife in Derek's shoulder.

"Cora, please." Derek groaned as she began to twist the knife.

"She can't hear you, she can only hear me and she will only stop once you give me the location of the volt." Deucalion said smiling.

"You bastard!" Peter shouted yanking on his chains desperately as Cora pulled out another knife throwing it at him.

He screamed in pain as the knife implanted itself on through the side of his stomach.

"Cora! Cora, look at me!" Derek yelled trying to get the attention away from his uncle.

It worked as his sister used her claws dragging one down the side of his face, from the side of his temple down his cheek finishing at his chin. He felt the blood trickle down his face and he knew the cut was deep.

He watched her turn away and grab something from behind the table and his blood ran cold when he saw the giant sledge hammer in her hands wrapped in barbed wire.

"Oh, that ain't good." Peter muttered as she swung the hammer, slamming it into Derek's right knee and Peter could've swore he heard bones crunching as Derek shouted in pain. The hard hammer shattering his knee cap as tears spilled from his eyes from the pain.

"Cora, I think they are thirsty." Deucalion said pushing two jars of yellow liquid towards her on the table and she smiled walking over to it.

"Wolfsbane." Peter whispered looking over at Derek who barely nodded in response, his face scrunched up in pain.

"This won't kill you. I'm not stupid, but boy will it be painful. This red wolfsbane will kill you, hell it would probably kill me so don't test me Hales I could easily kill you both." Deucalion explained with a laugh.

"Drink." Cora demanded, her voice harsh and loud, but Peter shook his head. "Drink!" She said again grabbing his mouth and pouring it in, forcing her uncle to swallow the wolfsbane.

He coughed trying to get it up which worked, but Peter knew he didn't get it all out as pain suddenly erupted throughout his body. Derek watched helplessly as Peters muscles clenched and he screamed in pain.

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