Chapter 23

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After debating whether to do it or not Derek quickly realised there wasn't an option.

No way will he stay in this hospital bed while his mate is in another fighting for her life. She needed him.

He grabbed the IV drip and pulled the needle out of his arm despite his pack advising him not to move.

He swung his legs over the edge of his bed and forced himself to stand. His right knee exploded in pain and he immediately took all pressure off that leg.

He looked down realising he was shirtless with a pair of bloodied jeans with the right pant leg cut off, obviously from Melissa.

He gritted his teeth to stop himself from groaning and limped towards the door, ignoring the sharp pain it caused his knee and stomach.

He opened the door quietly and made his way towards the elevator heading to the third floor since he heard Melissa say she was on that floor earlier.

After a minute or two he found himself walking out the elevator heading towards y/n scent. He spotted Stiles asleep on one of the chairs by her door, the boy looked exhausted and Derek was glad he managed to fall asleep.

He walked quietly past Stiles and opened the door to y/n's room and shut it behind himself.

His eyes flew straight to the bed on the other side of the room and he spotted you lying on top of it in one of the hospital gowns.

Your arms from what Derek could see where covered in bruises and scrapes from fighting with Deucalion, but it was the bandage wrapped around your head that worried him the most.

He limped gingerly towards the bed and sat down on the chair next to it, taking a shaky breath as he leant on the side of your bed grabbing your hand.

"Please y/n, you need to start healing." He whispered kissing your hand. "You are stronger than this. You're the girl who crashed Scott's motorbike after being stung by a Kanima and after a few hours stood back up and got back on the bike. Please you have to fight this, at least keep fighting until your werewolf abilities enable your body to heal, please y/n." He begged softly closing his eyes for a few minutes before continuing.

"It's my fault you're in this situation, you can't die y/n. I can't lose my little sister and my girlfriend! Please don't let me lose you too. I love you, you have to wake up and start healing... you can't leave your family, it would absolutely destroy your father and Stiles. The pack wouldn't be able to handle it, they won't be able to cope and I- I can't live without you y/n. Please... I-I need you, don't you dare leave me y/n y/m/n Stilinski! I can't live without you. I won't live without you, please don't go." Derek begs, his voice broken and shaky as tears fell from his eyes.

He watched your face taking in every detail as if it's his last moments with you. He squeezed your hand gently and wiped the tears from his eyes with his other as he tried to calm his breathing. He sat next to you for hours, holding your hand watching over you protectively.

It was now close to 2am when the door squeaked open slowly and Derek glanced up praying it wasn't a doctor or nurse and sighed when he saw Stiles half asleep standing in the door frame.

The teenager closed the door behind himself and took a seat next to Derek, both staring at your unconscious body in disbelief.

"You okay?" Stiles asked breaking the silence and Derek knew Stiles wasn't meaning his injuries and he shrugged his shoulders, putting his head in his hands.

"I kind of have to be." Derek responded his voice defeated as he took a shaky breath. He couldn't do this. He's lost nearly everyone in his life, he can't lose you either. Cora's dead because of him and you're practically on your death bed because of him as well, he couldn't do this.

Derek suddenly stood up not giving Stiles a chance to reply and limped to the other side of the room, back facing the teenager as he grabbed the edge of the table to try keep himself in control. His knuckles turned white from gripping the table so tightly as he dropped his head trying to steady his breathing.

"Derek?" Stiles questioned softly, voice full of concern.

"I'm fine." Derek replied quickly taking in a deep breath trying to stop the tears falling down his cheeks. Stiles had already seen him break down, he didn't need to see it again especially right now.

"You don't have to pretend to be strong all the time." Stiles said as his chair moved slightly and Derek could tell he was standing from his seat.

"You're the leader of the pack, the alpha, but you're still human. You don't have to always be strong for everyone, the pack doesn't expect you to be and I certainly don't. Your sister just got killed less than 24 hours ago and your girlfriend- my sister -might not ever wake up, stop saying you're fine. I know you're not fine, because I'm not and you have had a crappier day than me." Stiles said walking towards Derek who still hadn't moved from the table, his body shaking as he tried to remain in control.

"I can't lose her too, Stiles. I can't." Derek whispered trying to hold back his tears as Stiles placed his hand on Derek's shoulder causing Derek turns his head to meet the boys watery eyes.

"I know. I can't either." He said as him and Derek embraced each other with a comforting hug, something the two of them never do but right now they both needed it.


You could hear voices talking softly in the room, you didn't try work out what they were saying or who it was because frankly you did care.

Nothing seems to matter anymore, Derek's dead, he died saving your life, the packs life and he's not coming back.

You could feel tears building up in your eyes as you slowly began to open them. The pain in your head had died down a fair bit and you found yourself lying on a hospital bed wearing a hospital gown.

You looked around the room and spotted Stiles on the other side of it hugging someone and it took you a second to process who it looked like... but that's impossible he's dead... it can't be Derek, you thought to yourself as the two men separated and you got a clear look at his face.

"Derek?" You questioned not believing your eyes and both the men quickly turned looking straight at you.

"y/n!" They shouted dashing over to your side and you couldn't help but notice Derek limping really badly.

"You're awake!" Stiles exclaimed with the biggest smile on his face as Derek placed his hand gently over your forehead sighing in relief.

"You're healing." He said softly and you smiled.

"Yeah, I can feel it healing already." You answered as Derek kissed your forehead.

"I thought you were dead... I thought I had lost you." You said staring at Derek then to Stiles in pure happiness.

"I would never leave you y/n, I'm not going anywhere." Derek answered and you smiled even more.

"I'm gonna go get the nurse. I'm not taking any chances even if you do think you're body is healing." Stiles said and you laughed softly giving him a nod.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." Derek said shaking his head, pushing his tears back. "I don't ever want to think about what life would be like without."

"You don't have to." You simply answered grabbing his hand. "I love you."

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