Chapter 11

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*third person POV*

Derek glanced over at the digital clock on the night stand by his bed. '12:02AM' He turned his head to look at y/n who was fast asleep next to him and he placed a soft kiss on her forehead careful to not wake her up. "I'm so sorry, but I don't have a choice." Derek said softly.

He slowly climbed out of bed putting a pair of jeans on and a black shirt as he made his way down the stairs. He walked quietly, not wanting to wake y/n or Isaac, who was asleep across the hall. He grabbed his shoes by the door and his car keys as he walked over to the table, grabbing a pen and paper and began to write.

I'm sorry for doing this to you, but I have to go get Peter. He's my uncle, I can't just leave him for dead. Don't come looking for me or come trying to help, please I can't have anyone else in the pack die because of me which is why I can't leave Peter with Deucalion. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me y/n, I love you.

He put the letter on the table, staring at it for a good minute before walking out the door.


You woke up with a stretch expecting to feel Derek next to you, but there was nothing.

You turned your head and placed your hand on the mattress where Derek usually was, but it was cold. He must have gotten up a while ago. You thought to yourself not worried as you had woken up many times to an empty bed to find Derek standing outside on the balcony trying to clear his mind from a bad nightmare.

You glanced over at the digital clock '7:45AM' and you groaned knowing you would have to leave for work in an hour.

You forced yourself out of bed putting on jeans and a tank top as you listened for Derek's heartbeat to work out where he was, but you couldn't hear it.

Isaac was clearly in his room, you could hear him tossing and turning in bed obviously debating whether to start getting ready for school or not.

You shrugged your shoulders maybe Derek's gone for jog or something, you thought to yourself, but for some reason you had a bad feeling in your stomach so you basically ran downstairs in hope to find him.

You looked around, but there was nothing, but an empty room and you sighed, then you eyes spotted a piece of paper on the table. You walked over cautiously praying that the paper wasn't from Deucalion; but as you glanced at it you could tell it was Derek's handwriting.

You picked it up with shaky hands, scared of what it will say as you began to read it.

You dropped the paper after reading the words and didn't even realise you had collapsed to the floor crying until Isaacs arms were around you in an effort to calm you.

"He left!" You sobbed with tears in your eyes. "Derek left! Deucalion will kill him!"

"We won't let that happen, alright? Derek knows what he's doing." Isaac said softly, but you shook your head.

"No, he's not thinking straight because Deucalion took Peter! You know Derek, he will risk his life to save even his psychopath uncle!" You shouted and Isaac shook his knowing you were right.

"I'm calling Scott." He stated pulling his phone out and within 10 minutes Scott and Stiles were in the loft.

"He's not dead y/n." Stiles said standing around the table with the rest of you.

"How could you possibly know that?" You responded wiping the tears out of your eyes.

"Because Lydia hasn't screamed has she?" Stiles asked and you shook your head. "Then Derek clearly isn't dead and we will find him."

"Isaac and I can try track his scent." Scott suggested.

"I'm coming." You stated, but Stiles shook his head.

"If Derek has gone to Deucalion, I am not letting you anywhere near him! Not after what he did to you! You are not going!" Stiles argued sternly and Scott nodded in agreement, you knew they were right.

"Fine, but if you do find where Derek is, you come back and get me. I am coming! No matter what!" You insisted and the boys reluctantly nodded before running out the loft. You turned to Stiles who looked at you sympathetically. "He just left, Stiles. He left! He promised me he wouldn't!"

"Yep, that's Derek." Stiles sighed, shaking his head. "I see why he left, he doesn't want the pack to help because he's scared someone else will die."

"What if he dies?!" You responded.

"To be honest I don't think he cares much, the amount of times he has put his life in danger in order to save us stupid teenagers. He lost everything y/n. The Hale fire... he was only a teenager and he lost everything. Then a few weeks before you came back Deucalion killed two of his betas and now Deucalion has Peter. If I know one thing, it's that Derek won't back down. He might have promised you he won't go, but he made a promise to himself long ago that he won't let another pack member die, I think that includes Peter." Stiles explained and now the tears were back, great I'm crying in front of my brother. "I'm not siding with him though y/n, when we get his sourwolf ass back here I am going to go off at him for leaving my sister and causing her so much pain."

"Thank you, Stiles." Was all you could say as he embraced you with a hug.


*Third person POV*

Everything was black.

There's ringing in his ears and he couldn't move.

His body ached and his wrists and ankles stung as if there was wolfsbane wrapped around them. What the hell is going on? Derek thought to himself when suddenly the memories of the past 24 hours came flying back.

He left the loft leaving y/n a note and drove to the old factory where he and Scott defeated Deucalion... and then something cold and hard collided with the back of his head. The last thing he remembered was falling to the floor and Deucalion's voice in the background.

Derek forced his eyes open, taking in his surroundings. He was chained to some sort of wire fence which reminded him of the days with Kate Argent and he shook his head trying to get rid of the horrid memories.

He looked up at his hands which were chained above his head and he groaned in annoyances when he spotted the wolfsbane around the chains, he glanced at his ankles to find the same thing.

Well that would explain the pain and why I can't move. He looked around to find himself in some sort of basement, no windows just a wooden door on the roof followed by some stairs. He could hear Deucalion's heartbeat upstairs somewhere, but he couldn't pinpoint where.

"Deucalion!" He shouted pulling on the chains causing him to wince as the wolfsbane cut into his wrists and he could smell his own blood. Great that won't heal for ages.

"I know you're out there!" He yelled, but it was no use and Derek shook his head, this is gonna take a while.

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