Chapter 16

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*7 hours later*

"Scott!" Isaac shouted into his phone in panic as he stood in the middle of the loft. The scent of Deucalion strong, but even worse the scent of Derek's blood strong as well.

"Isaac, what's wrong?"

"It's Derek! He isn't here and I think Deucalion took him. I can smell him and I can smell Derek's blood, he was scared and angry, Scott! Derek's been taken." Isaac yelled.

"Shit. Okay, okay come to Stiles' house, him and I are nearly there and we will work something out." Scott instructed before haninging up.

Isaac was out the door in a flash taking Derek's car and speeding straight for the Stilinski house hold. Deucalion had taken Derek... it wasn't the first time he had been kidnapped even Isaac knew that, but the scent Derek had left in the room sent shivers up Isaacs spin. As soon as he walked into the loft he could sense fear, anger, sadness... a lot of sadness. But, Deucalion's scent of anger, hatred and frustration freaked Isaac out. The alpha was not going to hold back he was beyond furious and now he had Derek

Isaac basically ran inside the house not bothering to knock as he nearly barged Stiles over who was going to open the door for him.

"Hey, calm down Lahey." Stiles said grabbing the frantic betas shoulders.

"You didn't sense what I could when I got into the loft... God, he's going to die." Isaac muttered sitting himself down as Scott raced to his side.

"Nobody is going to die, okay? We will find him." Scott said placing a hand on his betas shoulder who nodded.

"Umm Scotty, I don't mean to be a downer or anything, but we couldn't find the man when he disappeared for a week let alone when he's been kidnapped." Stiles said truthfully just as you walked into the room.

"What the hell is going on? Who's been kidnapped?" You asked from the door and the three teenagers turned to face you, their hearts dropping seeing the redness in your eyes.

"Okay guys since Deucalion has taken Derek then I guess it doesn't matter." Stiles began looking around at the pack. "When Derek went to look for Deucalion to get Peter back, he found the alpha... He chained Derek and beat the crap out of him, he was a wreck when I went to the loft this morning and could barely stand. Anyway not the point, Deucalion gave Derek an ultimatum which was he had to break up with y/n and make her hate him." He explained looking at you sympathetically, but you just stare at your younger brother in shock.

"If Derek didn't do what Deucalion asked then he would have killed y/n and the rest of us, the whole pack, one by one. That's why he ended it with you y/n and God trust me when I say this, he still loves you. I have never seen him so upset and angry in my life and trust me I've seen that man angry a lot." Stiles added.

"Oh my God." You muttered to yourself putting your hands over your mouth. "Derek was trying to protect me... now Deucalion has him."

You felt a hand on your shoulder and you looked over to find Melissa standing behind you. To be honest you forgot she was here.

"Wait, but Derek did as Deucalion asked, why did he still get bashed in the loft and kidnapped?" Isaac asked and Stiles shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, unless he found out Derek told me and he didn't like that or something I don't know." Stiles replied shaking his head.

"Someone call Lydia and Allison, they need to know." Scott said and Stiles nodded pulling out his phone.

Derek still loves me... he didn't want to break up with me... he was trying to save me... oh my God.

Forever & Always (Derek Hale x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora