Chapter 8

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You were in the archery section looking for the broadheads Allison wanted when you picked up an unwanted scent.

You quickly turned towards the front door to find the group of four men standing there, all with their new rifles in their hands. Oh for fucks sake, this can't be good.

You half ducked behind the shelf you were standing in front of while watching the group intensely as one of them load their gun.

"Everyone get on the fucking ground!" The same man yelled and you rolled your eyes. Are they seriously trying to rob the place?

The customers and your fellow workmates dropped to the floor in panic as the man fired a bullet into the air. You expected to smell gun powder instantly, but it wasn't gun powder you smelt, it was wolfsbane. Crap!

You quickly grabbed your phone and texted Derek saying 'HELP AT WORK' and sent a quick message to Allison saying 'back door bring your bow' as the group of men instructed the customers and workers to stand against the wall with their hands above their heads.

You didn't move. You stayed where you were hidden behind the shelf.

"Where is she?" One of the men asked looking at all the hostages obviously referring to you.

"Spread out, that little bitch is here somewhere, I know it." The taller one ordered as three of the four men started to look around the shop while the other watched the hostages.

You watched as one of the men head in your direction and you ducked behind a different shelf just in time without him spotting you. You crouch there with your back against the shelf when you suddenly smell Allison's scent.

You looked towards the back door to find her kneeling inside the store with her bow in hand and you smiled nodding towards the guy and she nodded back.

She nocked an arrow onto the string of her bow and fired it, hitting the guy in the leg. The man shouted in pain dropping his gun as he collapsed to the floor as anther arrow implanted itself in his shoulder and Allison quickly ran over to you. The two of you both now hiding behind the shelf.

"Shot to injured not to kill, we aren't killers." You whispered and she nodded getting another arrow ready.

"And the she-wolf has a friend." One of the men shouted . "Shot to kill boys, anyone who's a friend of the she-wolf deserves to die along with her."

"Who are these people?" Allison whispered and you shrugged your shoulders.

"I have no idea, but they clearly want me dead, wolfsbane bullets and everything." You responded.

"Come out, come out wherever you are Wolfie." One of the men yelled cocking his gun as Allison leaned to the side and fired another arrow hitting the bloke fair in the shoulder. Alright, two down, two to go.

"Hawkeye wannabe! Show your face instead of hiding with the wolf." Another man shouted and Allison had to stop herself from laughing. A Hawkeye wannabe? Really?

"Let's finish this." Allison said nocking another arrow on the string.

"Wait Argent!" You hissed, but it was too late the teenager was on her feet. Scott will kill me if something happens to her.

"Hey boys." Allison shouted and you mentally face palm, really Allison? Really?

You watched as she fired an arrow at the closest guy hitting him in the knee cap as he fell to the ground and you sighed with relief. But, there was movement on the other side of the room. Shit, there was another one wasn't there?

"Argent, get down!" You shouted as you sprint towards the teenager pushing her out the way as a bullet teared through your stomach.

"y/n!" Allison shouted shooting at the man twice making sure he wasn't getting up.

You look down at your stomach, your white work shirt now stained red from blood, but you chuckled in disbelief realising it was a normal bullet not wolfsbane.

"It wasn't wolfsbane, it'll heal." You groaned standing yourself with Allisons help. "Call my Dad. Him and Parrish can deal with the assholes with arrows in them, good shooting by the way." You said as Allison called the Sheriffs station.

You turned around looking at the hostages who were sprinting out the shop even your boss was. You then look over at the three men on the floor obviously not going anywhere any time... wait there was four men!

You quickly turned around to Allison to find the other man holding a gun to her forehead as he held her tightly.

"Let her go!" You shouted letting your claws come out. "You said you were after me, let the teenager go."

"She helped you and anyone who helps you is dead to me!" The man shouted cocking his gun and you could see tears forming in Allison eyes.

"Why?" You asked taking a step closer to them.

"Because you helped Deucalion kill my son! Two years ago my son Sebastian was bitten and then Deucalion killed him!" He shouted and you froze, remembering that night. Deucalion made you watch as he took the 10 year olds life.

"That wasn't me, it was Deucalion. I didn't kill your son." You said gently, but the man shook his head and the sound of police sirens fill the air.

"But you just stood there and watched!" The man shouted now aiming the gun at you with his strong grip still on Allison.

"y/n get down!" Derek voice shouted and you dropped to the ground doing exactly what he said as you watch Derek jumped at the man tackling him to the ground allowing Allison to get away from him.

You quickly stand up running over to the girl and grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the two men on the ground.

Suddenly, two gunshots were fired and Derek screamed in pain as he sliced the mans the throat.

Then suddenly you felt a burning sensation coming from your arm and you looked down to find one of the bullets had nicked your arm. Damn it, it's wolfsbane!

"Derek!" You shouted running over to the man who slowly stood himself up grabbing his stomach. "It's wolfsbane."

"I know." He responded wincing. "The bullet went all the through it's not too bad, are you okay?" He asked eyes full of concern looking at your arm and your bloodied stomach.

"I'm fine just got nicked by the wolfsbane bullet, the other was a normal bullet." You replied.

"Just being nicked can still kill you." He responded grabbing your hand. "We need to go to the loft, Peter can burn the poison out." He said and you nodded, but not liking the sound of 'burning the poison out'

"Y/n! Oh my God you're shot." Your Dad shouted running into the store followed by his Deputies.

"It's fine, it'll heal, but Derek and I have to get back to the loft." You stated grabbing Derek's hand and you watched as your dad looked at Derek and then back to you.

"Wolfsbane?" He asked worriedly and you nodded.

"Take care of her, son." The Sheriff instructed to Derek who nodded as you both walked out the shop leaving Allison in the capable hands of the Sheriff.

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