Chapter 13

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Derek gained consciousness a few hour ago, but his thumping headache still remained from Deucalion punching him in the head.

His wrists and ankles were raw and dripping blood from the wolfsbane, he felt exhausted. Deucalion wanted him to dump y/n... he couldn't do that, he couldn't do that to her. She's been through so much pain to last a life time, he couldn't do that to her.

"Ready to reconsider my offer?" The strong alphas voice called out as the door opened and Deucalion walked down the stairs.

"Go to hell." Derek responded not taking his eyes off the man who seemed to be expecting that answer when suddenly his claws came out.

"Let's try again. You will break up with y/n and you will make her hate you or you won't ever get your uncle back." The man shouted now standing only a few meters away.

Derek didn't answer. He just growled softly under his breath. He couldn't. He won't do that to y/n.

"Answer me when I speak to you!" Deucalion yelled as he dragged his hand down Derek's upper body, claws destroying his shirt and digging deep under his skin.

That's gonna take a while to heal. He gritted his teeth in pain, jaw locking trying not to scream. But Deucalion didn't stop, he kept slashing at Derek's stomach and chest and finished with a solid hit to the head and Derek could taste blood filling his mouth.

"I will try a different approach. You will do what I said or else I will go and hunt your pack down one by one. First maybe Isaac, finish off the last of the betas you turned, then Peter, then maybe take out the true alpha and his pale talkative friend. Then the two teenage girls and I will leave y/n for last and kill her right in front of you. You can watch me torture your precious girlfriend before I slice her throat. Do you like that better?" He threatened with a grin.

"Don't." Was all Derek could say and he knew he was left with no choice.

"If you don't want me to do that then you will walk out of here, find y/n and break her heart. But, if I think you haven't broken her heart enough then I will come for you and your pack. Trust me I know everything Derek, so make sure she hates you and don't mention me, then once you do that and I am satisfied I will give Peter back."

"Why are you doing this?" Derek asked annoyed with how exhausted his voice sounded.

"Because if I can't have y/n then you can't either." Was all Deucalion said as he placed a key in Derek's hand and walked out the room.


"Can you lock up tonight y/n?" Your boss called out and you gave him the thumbs up as he walked out the store leaving you alone to finish closing before locking the back door.

It was a long day at work, but you were looking forward to having pizza at Dads house with him and Stiles. Isaac was at Scott's for the night helping each other revise for the history test they have next week.

You walked out the front door locking it behind you. It was already dark outside and bucketing down with rain and you were thankful for the street lights guiding you as you walked towards your car parked on the other side of the car park.

Suddenly the familiar scent of Derek filled the air and you looked up to find him standing by your car.

"Derek! What the hell?!" You shouted stopping where you stood waiting for an explanation because you would be damned if you'd let him off the hook for going after Deucalion alone. Especially without telling anyone and after he promised you he wouldn't and then leaving a note confessing that he loves you and then doesn't contact you for a week!

"We need to talk." He said his voice sounding exhausted and annoyed.

"You're damn right we do." You snapped, taking a few steps closer. "YOU LEFT, ME ALONE! YOU WENT AFTER DEUCALION! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?"

"y/n please-" Derek tried to say, but you cut him off.

"You lied to me..." You said angrily with tears in your eyes. "Why?"

Derek didn't answer for a few seconds, looking lost as if he doesn't know what to do.

"Because you know what? I don't care anymore!" He finally responded and you folded your arms in confusion. "I don't love you y/n, I don't care about the stupid promise I made you."

"What? The note you left, you said you loved me." You said softly completely in shock, Derek doesn't like me? He doesn't even care about me anymore?

"I lied! I just wrote down what you needed to hear, it didn't make it true. We are over y/n." He stated shaking his head.

"Someone's making you do this aren't they? Is it Deucalion? Because the Derek I know, would never do this, he loved me and would never hurt me." You said, eyes teary.

"This is 100% me y/n, I make my own choices in life and this is what I want, I don't want you in my life anymore." He stated crossing his arms.

"Fine!" You snapped grabbing your car keys and getting into the front seat. You didn't look back at Derek as you drove off as quickly as you could.

I can't believe this is happening, he loved me... what did I do wrong? Was it because I didn't want him going to find Peter? Where did I go wrong? You blinked away your tears trying to focus on the road. We were mates and now it's over just like that? What did I do? You asked yourself these questions over and over again until you pulled up in your dads drive way.

"This can't be happening." You mumbled softly to yourself wiping your eyes as you got out your car and walked inside.

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