Chapter 26

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You stared at the wrecked car wrapped around the light pole in horror as your Dad sprints towards it, obviously realising it was Derek's as well.

Suddenly, the hellhound that was still holding you, turned away and you couldn't see Derek's car anymore.

"Hey." Lydia shouted standing in front of the two of you with Scott behind her.

"Lydia, run." You gasped as the hellhound held you up higher by the throat.

"You're confused, but I can help you." Lydia said softly. "You're name is Jordan. Jordan Parrish, you're a deputy here in Beacon Hills and think I'm psychic, but I'm not I'm a Banshee." She continued to say and to your surprise the hellhound put you back on the ground gently.

His hands were still around your throat though as the flames disappeared leaving a very familiar and naked Deputy Parrish in its place.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered taking his hand off your throat and you nodded giving him a small smile.

That wouldn't usually be your response after nearly being suffocated to death, but you knew he was confused and he couldn't control himself. You just hoped that Lydia would be able help the man since she seemed to have a connective to him.

"Let me help you. We will explain everything." Lydia said and the Deputy nodded taking the jacket Lydia was offering and tying it around his waste.

"Derek!" You shouted turning from the two and sprinting towards the black Camaro.

Your Dad and Stiles were currently pulling Derek out through the broken window of the car. Oh God.

You reached their side within seconds and helped them pull the alpha out the car.

You settled him down on the ground gently noticing the unsightly metal rod poking through his thigh, his face was covered in scratches and blood and his shirt and arms were shredded. He clearly wasn't wearing his seat belt.

"Jesus, son." Your Dad muttered obviously spotting the metal rod.

"I'm fine." He winced putting a hand on your leg as you knelt next to him.

"You and I are gonna have a talk about seat belts later that you won't enjoy." You commented with a grin and Derek just smiled grabbing the rod with his hand.

But, before you could say anything he yanked it out, dropping it the ground next to him.

"Dude! That's just gross." Stiles stated shaking his head and Derek scowled at him causing you to laugh.

You helped Derek stand up, his wounds already healing thanks to his alpha power which you were grateful for.

You then began to explain the situation with the hellhound. Telling them that Parrish was confused and didn't know what he was or who he was and that he only wanted to protect the supernatural.

"Well, if he can prove his loyalty to us and if Lydia can help him through it. Scott and I will be able to teach him how to control his shifts. Maybe become part of the pack if all of us feel comfortable with it, minus Peter." Derek responded and you smiled.

"You would do that for him?" Your Dad asked and Derek nodded.

"You said it yourself Sheriff, he's a good guy and has risked his life many times to save others. If that's all true then he belongs in the pack." Derek answered.

"God, I love you." You commented causing Derek to chuckle.

"I love you too, that's kinda why we are in a relationship." Derek answered grinning giving you a hug.

"Don't ever get in a car crash again. You scared the hell out of me." You muttered and he laughed as you hugged him back.

"Well, now that my car is absolutely ruined I don't think that will happen anytime soon." He replied as Isaac, Chris, Allison and Scott's footsteps head your way.

You and Derek both turned to find them staring at the black car in shock.

"Yes, that's Derek's car and yes I will never hear the end of it." You replied with a chuckle. "Living with Derek will be hell for the next few weeks... he loved that car." You said and they all laughed causing Derek to roll his eyes.

"Stiles has his jeep and I have... I had my Camaro." Derek defended and Stiles laughed.

"Except my jeep is better." Stiles teased and Derek raised his eyebrows.

"Your jeep breaks down every few hours and is held together with duck tape." Derek responded.

"Well at least my jeep is still running, yours not so much." Stiles bit back and the pack all broke out laugh.

"Y/n seriously, how do you deal with that." Stiles questioned waving at your mate next to you. "Like seriously, what's it's like living with Derek Hale?"

"I asked him for a glass of water when he was mad at me a few weeks ago and he brought me a cup of ice and told me to 'wait.'" You replied and Stiles just laughed even harder, even your Dad cracked a grin.

"And you still love me." Derek said putting his arm around your shoulders and you nodded with a smile.

"Forever and always." You replied giving him a kiss as everyone groaned at the public affection causing Derek rolls his eyes again looking around at his pack.

You were by his side smiling brightly. The true alpha and his hunter girlfriend kissing copying you two. Stiles and Isaac both laughing next to each other. The Sheriff and Chris watching the kids proudly and Lydia and Parrish standing a few meters away watching with a smile, thinking exactly what everyone else was.

"It's good to be back."



Thank you guys for reading, I have never written a character x Reader fanfic before. If you liked it please comment and favourite, it means the world to me knowing someone out there has enjoyed my writing.

If you have any requests for other fanfics comment them below or send me a message as I am going to begin my next fanfic after exams and looking for ideas on what to write about.

Also the final 10 episodes of Teen Wolf start tomorrow!!! I am so excited yet so scared at the same time!!!

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