Chapter 7

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(Third person POV)

"Did y/n come home last night?" Scott asked as him and Stiles walked down the hallway to Biology class.

"No she stayed at the loft, why?" Stiles answered curiously causing Scott's facial expression to quickly change. "Dude, what's with that face?"

"Stilinski! Derek smells like your sister!" Isaac shouted running up to the two of them and Stiles face turned shocked and confused.

"Scotty?" He asked looking over at his best friend who nodded agreeing with his beta.

"When I got to yours and y/n was leaving for work, her scent was really strong like Derek's." Scott answered and Stiles turned speechless as they all took a seat in class.

"Dude relax, it's not like she dating Peter!" Scott whispered leaning over his table towards Stiles sitting in front of him, trying to calm him his best friend down.

"Yeah, but it's Derek! I will admit he's changed a lot since we first met him, but it's still Derek frickin Hale! Everyone he has loved is sorta dead right now Scott!" Stiles exclaimed in a half whisper turning around to face Scott.

"She's 22 years old. I know she's your sister and you don't want her to get hurt because trust me I don't want her to either, but she can take care of herself and it's Derek! You have seen him risk his life for all of us, I doubt he will ever let anything happen to y/n." Scott whispered sitting down in his seat properly as he teacher walked in the room.

"Yeah I know, I know, but I swear to God if he hurts a single hair on her head I'm gonna break off an extra large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe and shove it up his-"

"Mr Stilinski! Would you like to share your conversation with the class." The teacher asked and Stiles turned around in his seat to face her shaking his head. "Wise choice, now if you don't want detention after school, can you tell me what the Mitochondria does in an animal cell?"

"Ummm it's the power house of the cell." Stiles answered, although it sounded more like a question than an actual answer and he could hear Lydia sighing from the table next to him and he knew he was going to detention.

"I'm going to need more than that Stilinski." The teacher stated crossing her arms.

"Yeah, that's all got, I will see you in detention." Stiles muttered, sinking lower in his seat.


*Later that day*

"So detention huh?" You asked leaning against Stiles' bedroom door.

"The teacher is out to get me, I know it." He responded spinning around in his chair to face you and you laughed.

"Look Stiles I need to tell you something before you hear it from anyone else." You began to say before Stiles shook his head.

"You and Derek, right?" He asked causing you to stand there shock.


"Scott could smell Derek on you this morning and Isaac could smell your scent on Derek. But, I knew it was bound to happen, he saved your life, he brought you home, you two became best friends and even we could see you guys have a connection. Just please y/n, please be careful alright." He said in a serious tone and you nodded.

"I know and I will be don't worry." You replied before walking out his room and heading to your own bed.

It has been a long day and you were exhausted. A group of men had walked into the shop today and basically interrogated your boss for information about you.

You had no idea why they were so interested in you, the group of them then bought a bunch of rifles and ammunition from you, giving you dirty looks as if you had done something to upset them before they left the store.

You collapse on top of your bed looking up at ceiling, you really didn't want to go to work tomorrow. You just had a sinking feeling in your stomach about the group of men and the way they looked at you.

You thought about calling Derek and telling him about what happened, but you talked yourself out of it knowing he would worry too much and tell you not to go to work tomorrow. But, you needed the money, you were saving up for a car and they were bloody expensive.

*15 hours later*

"y/n there's a call on line three for you." Your boss called out from the other side of the shop and you nodded walking over to the front desk picking up the phone.

"Hey y/n, it's Allison." A chirpy voice answered causing you to smile.

"Hey Argent, what's up?" You responded through the phone while leaning against the front desk.

"Can you put a packet of the new deep impact broadheads on hold for me at the front counter? I will be there in five minutes, I'm so sorry to ask this but I'm in a hurry, Dad wants to take Scott and I out for lunch." She answered.

"Yeah of course, I will go do that right now, see you soon then." You replied.

"Yep, see you then, thanks y/n." She said as you hung up the phone.

At first you weren't too sure about Allison let alone her dating Scott, but Stiles had filled you in on everything. After hearing about all the times Allison and her father had saved Scott's life and how much pain the couple had suffered because of him being a werewolf and her family being hunters, you had warmed up to Allison a lot.

She was a nice girl and a total bad ass with a compound bow. She had saved your life a couple times by blinding whatever supernatural creature the pack was up against. For that you were grateful and happy to call Allison one of your closest friends.

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