Chapter 15

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"Okay Stiles what's going on? You reek of anxiety." Scott asked as they all stood by Stiles' jeep before school started.

"More than usual anyway." Isaac added causing Stiles to roll his eyes.

"I've been meaning to tell you guys, but I just didn't know how." Stiles started to say, pinching the bridge of his nose, not sure how to tell them that y/n and Derek broke up without telling them about the Deucalion part. "Derek broke up with y/n and let's just say it was bad. They are both pretty upset and angry."

"What?!" Allison and Lydia shouted in complete shock.

"Oh my God." Isaac mumbled to himself staring at the ground in disbelief with the same expression as the girls.

"When did he get back? What happened? Why did he end it?" Scott questioned and Stiles took a few seconds to think of what to say knowing full well Scott and Isaac would be able to tell if he lied.

"y/n said Derek fell out of love with her." He explained and it wasn't a lie because that is what she told him when he first found out. "He must have came back last night because he met her in the car pack at her work and ended it between them."

"Is y/n still staying at the loft?" Allison asked and Stiles shook his head.

"No, she's in the spare room at our house so it's okay." He said as the school bell rang.

"Everyone keep each other posted about y/n and Derek, they are both part of the pack and they both need us." Stiles stated and everyone nodded walking into the building.


It's 9am and usually you would be getting ready for work, but you were not going to work.

The slightest thought of having to get up and pretend to be happy and smiling in front customers just seemed impossible at the moment. So, you rolled back over in bed closing your eyes trying to sleep, but just like you found all last night, sleep wasn't an option.

Your mind just kept replaying the moments from the car park and you couldn't get the look on Derek's face out your mind. He looked really hurt and angry at the same time, but you were almost positive that the anger wasn't towards you.

Something didn't seem right, but right now all that was going through your head was that Derek didn't love you, that Derek broke up with you and he didn't care.

"Hey Melissa." You heard your Dad say, but you couldn't hear her heartbeat so you assumed he was on the phone.

"Morning John, what's happening?" You heard her reply through the phone.

"Are you working today?" He asked.

"No, I got the night shift tonight though, whys that?"

"I have to leave for work in five and Stiles is at school... I was wondering if you could come over and keep y/n company. I don't want her to be alone." He said and you groaned just wanting to be left by yourself.

"Wait, am I missing something?" Melissa questioned.

"Derek broke up with her and she's... yeah I just don't want her to be alone." He answered.

"Oh my God that poor girl, how is she holding up?" She asked and you could hear your Dad clear his throat and you suddenly felt more sad as you could sense your fathers sadness too.

"Not good, I spoke to her before bed last night and God I don't know what I'm going. I missed her late teenager years, she never had to go through a bad break up because of the kidnapping and I don't know how to help her or what to say to make it better. I'm her father, I'm meant to be here for her, but I'm over my head here, I feel like I'll just make things worse." He admitted and your heart broke even more hearing your dad say that.

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