Chapter 21

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"Get him on the table now!" Deaton shouted as Scott and Isaac lifted Derek onto the table while your Dad laid your unconscious body on the other table for Melissa to look over.

"Derek, can you hear me?" Deaton asked shaking the mans shoulders and Derek nodded slightly groaning, grabbing the bloodied wounds on his stomach.

"He's going to die, do something!" Stiles shouted standing next to Derek with Scott and Isaac close behind.

"Derek?" You whispered as you slowly began to wake up.

You looked around and find your Dad and Melissa hovering over you while Lydia and Allison stood a few meters back. Derek? Where's Derek? He was dying? Where is he?

"W-where's Derek?" You asked sitting yourself up when sudden dizziness took over your body and your Dad quickly grabbed your shoulders to stop you from falling. Your head exploded in pain and you groaned grabbing your head.

"y/n I need you to sit down, you have some kind of head injury." Melissa said and you shook your head, but regretted it instantly when pain to erupted even more.

"I need to help Derek." You gasped looking around the room realising you were at the vet clinic and that's when you spotted Scott, Isaac and Stiles standing by another table all looking at you with worried expressions.

You looked at the table and saw Derek's familiar form lying there and you could see the blood dripping to the floor. Oh God, no, no, no.

"y/n sit back down." Your Dad ordered sternly as you stood up and walked gingerly to Derek's side next to Stiles, who's eyes were wide with shock starting at Derek then back to you.

"It's okay Derek, I'm here, you're gonna be fine." You said grabbing his hand as he squeezed his eyes shut in pain.

"Don't take my pain, you'll get hurt." Derek groaned opening his teary eyes looking at you and you nodded knowing it was no time to be arguing with him.

"Why aren't y/n or Derek healing?" You hear Dad ask from behind you and your free hand automatically went to the huge spit on your forehead and you winced touching it.

"She touched the wolfsbane infused chains." Peter simply answered. "Deucalion made Derek and I drink a different type of wolfsbane, I coughed most of it up which is why I'm slowly healing but Derek... he didn't get the chance and it was Deucalion's claws that went into him. I'm just shocked he's lasted this long."

You all stood around the room in silence nobody knowing what to do as Deaton covered Derek's abdomen with bandages to try and slow the bleeding, but within minutes the white bandage is soaked red.

You're head was really starting to hurt now and you knew it wasn't normal, but seeing Derek like this... maybe dying because his body wasn't healing, you didn't care about your head. Derek had to be okay, he had to be.

"H-hey it's alright." Derek whispered squeezing your hand gently when he suddenly he started to cough. The blood in his mouth turning black and that only meant one thing. Fuck!

"No, no, no, fuck! Deaton do something!" You begged glancing at the man. He saved your life more than once, you knew he was the only chance Derek had.

"Allison, Lydia top draw behind you, blue liquid in a jar, put it all in a needle quick." Deaton quickly ordered while your stood by Derek's side, wiping the stray tear off his cheek as you tried ignoring his gasps for air and constant groans of pain. You tried to wipe the black liquid off his mouth, but it just kept coming.

"It's okay." Derek muttered giving you a half smile and you couldn't help it anymore as tears began pouring out eyes. This is it... I'm going to lose the man I love.

"Don't say that, it's not okay why are you saying that? You're dying Derek that's not okay!" You shouted, your voice breaking as Stiles' hand grabbed your shoulder for comfort.

"It's okay because I saved the woman I love. The women I've always loved. You're safe and Deucalion can't hurt you again." Derek answered as he coughed up more black liquid.

"You saved Cora's life when she was dying, let me do it for you." Scott suddenly said desperately from behind you, but Derek shook his head.

"You could die as well, I won't let that happen. This pack still needs a leader Scott, that's you." He answered his muscles tensing as he tried not to scream from the pain.

"The pack needs you too!" Stiles responded, but Derek again shook his head and Scott nodded with watery eyes. C'mon Derek, please start healing. I can't live without you!

"Here!" Allison said giving the vet the needle as he quickly injected it into Derek's neck and he immediately shouted in pain.

"Derek?!"'You called out desperately as he suddenly leaned over the side of the table and threw up black liquid onto the ground.

"Oh my God." Stiles commented as Derek laid back down grabbing your hand trying to comfort you as his eyes slowly closed.

"No, no, no, no. Derek please no- please. Derek wake up! I love you! Derek." You shouted shakily, tears falling down your face when suddenly you could no longer hear his heart beat. "Derek?" You whispered in a broken voice, but the man didn't respond.

At that moment you literally felt your whole world shatter around you.

All the noise around you turned into ringing in your ears as you stared at Derek's lifeless, bloodied form on the table.

You glanced around at the pack, Allison hugging Scott who had tears in his eyes. Isaac standing next to Derek his lips trembling like he's trying not to cry. Lydia standing at the back of the room in complete shock her skin white with fear. Stiles standing next to you, his head dangling as he leaned on the table with his shakes arms trying to control himself. Your Dad, Melissa and Chris standing by the wall both just purely shocked not knowing what to do and Deaton standing on the other side of the room scurrying through draws obviously trying to find anything that could bring him back, but he wasn't coming back.

That's when everything started to go blurry and you felt as if the room was spinning, your head thumping in pain.

You quickly grabbed the edge of the table to keep yourself up right and you felt Stiles hands around you calling your name in panic, but you couldn't respond.

Your body wouldn't let you talk and that's when the darkness took over and you felt yourself falling as your younger brother caught you and that was the last thing you remembered.

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