Chapter 20

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Suddenly out the corner of your eye you saw Stiles running towards Derek and Deucalion holding the needle filled with red wolfsbane.

You watched unable to speak as he jumped on the alphas back stabbing the needle into his neck before he even have a chance to react.

The wolfsbane worked effectively as Deucalion gasped in pain, taking his claws out of Derek.

Deucalion flung Stiles off his back and he fell to the ground on his back as Deucalion dropped to his knees.

"I'm going to kill you Stilinski!" Deucalion shouted in anger and Stiles quickly crawled away increasing the distance between him and the alpha.

"Not if I kill you first." Derek whispered grabbing Deucalion's arm and pulling the alpha closer to him before slicing his throat and the alpha fell to the floor. If it wasn't for the wolfsbane there was no way that would have killed him, but he's dead! Holy shit!

You laid there shocked for a few seconds until Derek's head dropped back against the wall behind him. He put his hand over the claw wounds on his stomach and you could see the blood pouring through his fingers.

"Derek!" You shouted forcing yourself onto your feet and sprinting over to him, sliding to your knees by his side. "Hey, c'mon stay with me." You said wiping the blood off his chin, but it just kept dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Your hands shook trying to add more pressure on the wound on his stomach. He groaned, gasping for breath desperately, squeezing his eyes shut in pain. Don't do this Derek, hold on please.

Stiles and Peter suddenly reached your side in a hurry and you glanced up at them both standing there mouths open and eyes wide in shock.

"How bad is it?" Peter finally asked taking a step closer in concern.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Derek quickly answered followed by heavy breaths as he tried not to groan. "Just get to Cora... Save her." But neither Peter or Stiles moved, scared if they leave they won't see Derek again.

"Go!" He shouted wincing as he looked at them and Peter started at his nephew unsure on what to do before turning and running out the room. "Stiles, go!"

"No. I left you once, when you guys attacked the alpha pack and you nearly died. I'm not doing that again." Stiles argued, shaking his head and dropping to his knees next to you.

Derek groaned trying to move himself, but quickly stopped slumping back against the cement wall. He gasped, teeth splattered with blood as he grabbed your hand with his free one, trying to comfort you.

You couldn't stop the tears falling down your cheeks and you glanced at Stiles noticing his eyes watery too.

"Hey, hey look at me. It's not even that bad. It's not even that bad, okay?" Stiles said desperately, trying anything to keep Derek holding on.

You knew him and Stiles had a very unique friendship and after the years of being in their pack you realised that they were basically brothers. They fought and bickered about literally anything but they were always there for each other.

"C'mon you'll be fine. You're Derek frickin Hale, you're always fine." Your brother said and Derek laughed softly at the comment, but the laugh quickly turned into a cough and he winced, eyes plastered shut.

"Der c'mon, keep your eyes open. God damn it, don't do this to me." You begged. "You're gonna be fine, Melissa and Deaton will patch you up and I'll take care of you. Just like the good old days. Please stay with me, I love you Derek, please." You whispered shakily gripping his hand tighter trying to take his pain, but it was too much and your head began to spin as you felt yourself slipping into unconsciousness. No!

Forever & Always (Derek Hale x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang