Chapter 14

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"Hey y/n, you hungry?" Either Dad or Stiles asked, but you didn't bother answering, heading straight for the spare room which used to be yours, shutting the door behind yourself and collapsing on the bed in tears.

"What was that about? Did I say something wrong?" You heard your Dad ask.

"One way to find out." Stiles responded and you could hear his footsteps as he came towards the room.

"Hey, what's going on y/n?" He asked, knocking on the door gently, but you couldn't find your voice as you sat on the bed head in your hands. Stiles must have heard you crying because he was suddenly in the room sitting next to you with an arm around you. "Are you okay?"

You shook your head slightly.

"Derek broke up with me." You mumbled now not able to hold back the tears and Stiles hugged you tightly.

"I am so sorry y/n, what happened?" He asked and once you calmed down a little bit you told him everything.

"Do you want me to call Allison or Lydia? They could come over and even stay the night to be with you? Or Melissa maybe?" He suggested and you shook your head.

"I just want to be alone tonight." You said weakly and Stiles nodded understandingly.

"You yell my name if you need anything alright sis, anything at all." He responded and you smiled slightly in appreciation.

"Can you tell Dad? I don't want to tell him or talk about it." You asked and Stiles nodded.

"Of course I can." He said giving you another hug before walking out the room and closing the door behind himself.

You rolled over onto the bed and curled into a ball under the blankets not even bothering to stop the tears fall down your face.

You listened to Stiles tell your Dad everything you just told him. Then you heard your dads chair move.

"I wouldn't. She just wants to be left alone and doesn't want to talk about it." Stiles quickly said and you heard your Dad sigh before sitting back down.

"I can't believe Derek would do something like this, at least not in a harsh way like this." He said and you could sense the anger in your fathers tone.

"Yeah me either, I'm gonna drop by the loft before school tomorrow and see what Derek has to say for himself for breaking my sisters heart." Stiles responded.

"Is that a good idea?" Your Dad asked.

"Frankly I don't care, he made my sister cry and considering she's one of the most strongest people I know, I am getting an explanation from that asshole." Stiles stated firmly.


Derek stood on the balcony at his loft looking out at Beacon Hills like he had been doing for the past eight hours.

His knuckles turned white from holding the railing too tight as he tried focusing on breathing, ignoring the tears slipping from his eyes.

His body was covered in cuts and bruises from Deucalion, he looked down at his bare chest and all he could see was alpha claw marks and bruises.

The good thing is that there wasn't any wolfsbane chains his body, so it should heal by tomorrow night. He looked back up over the lights of the town and watched the car lights as they drove past.

She hates me. She's upset and I can feel that she is in pain. What have I done? If I didn't do it she would have died along with the whole pack... fuck this isn't fair! The first girl I have loved who didn't turn out to be a psychotic mass murder and now this happens? If I stayed with her the whole pack would have died, but doing what I just did it feels like part of me has died. I hope Deucalion is fucking happy!

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