Chapter 17

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"Derek!" Peters voice shouted causing his eyes to fly open expecting Deucalion to be on him, cutting his body or electrocuting him, but he wasn't.

He looked around the room, it was empty, other than the table on the other side of the room which controlled the electricity.

For the first time he realised this was the same room Deucalion kept him in earlier, with the wooden door and the steps leading up to it, they were back in the basement. He could smell blood and he knew it was a mixture of his and Peters.

He turned to face Peter who was looking at him worriedly.

"Deucalion left a few minutes ago, something about needing to talk to an old friend." Peter explained leaning his head back against the fence.

"You okay?" Derek asked groaning softly as he looked down at his own body, resembling how it looked a couple nights ago with cuts and bruises all over his upper body and his shirt had somehow disappeared during the torture.

"He barely touched me, he enjoyed beating the shit out of you though." Peter commented and Derek laughed, wincing at the pain it caused his body.

"Something tells me you enjoyed it as well." Derek muttered.

"Well I wouldn't say enjoy exactly." Peter said raising his eyebrows with a grin.

"We're gonna die aren't we?" Derek asked seriously leaning his head back against the fence when suddenly an ear piercing scream fills the air. "Lydia."

"Well yep, okay we are definitely going to die!" Peter mumbled in annoyance and Derek couldn't help but laugh at how perfectly that timed. The two men stayed silent for a while, both of them knowing they needed to save their energy.

"Why don't I feel any of these healing?" Derek asked out loud looking at his bloodied body.

"Type of wolfsbane which delays healing, very rare, but of course, us Hales are unlucky and Deucalion has it and has somehow infused it into our chains. I still have the cut on my leg, can't feel it healing yet." Peter explained and Derek closed his eyes, it's gonna be a long night.

*2 hours later*

"You can hear two heart beats as well right?" Peter asked breaking the silence and Derek nodded.

Deucalion said the walls in the basement were basically sound proof, so they must be close if we could hear them. Derek thought to himself as the door swung open and Deucalion walked in.

"Good you're both awake." He said taking a seat at the table.

"You have what you want, y/n hates Derek, the pack definitely won't be looking for us for what Derek did to y/n and I highly doubt that any of them care about me. You have exactly what you want so why haven't you killed us yet?" Peter asked bluntly.

"Because you two are the only ones who know where the old famous Hale volt is. Since I have you guys at my mercy I want the location of it. That's right, I know about the volt thanks to my new friend who's standing outside. Back in the day Talia Hale wouldn't even give me the slightest clue to where it is, but guess what? I have Talia's son and brother chained right in front of me, who I am certain know where the volt is." Deucalion answered and Derek cursed in his head.

"What makes you think she told us where it was? Derek was only a boy when she died and Talia never trusted me." Peter said twisting his words carefully so Deucalion couldn't sense he was lying.

"I'm not stupid Peter, I know you both know the location of it and I also know how much money is in it. So, before I kill you both, I will get the location of the volt one way or another." Deucalion answered reaching for a switch on the table.

"Go to hell." Derek growled spitting blood onto the floor and Deucalion grinned turning the electricity on causing the Hale men to scream in pain as he turned the dial higher.

Derek screamed louder when Deucalion threw a bucket of water over the beta causing the electricity to soar through his body faster and more painfully. Every inch of his body burned in pain, his jaw clenched shut trying to muffle his screams, but he knew it was no use.

Deucalion was talking in the background, but neither the betas could hear him over their screams. The only thing they could think of was the overwhelming pain running through their veins.

By the time the electrocution session was over Derek and Peter were left with their heads hanging, breathing heavily trying to get air back into their lungs.

"This can all be over if one of you tell me where this volt is." Deucalion said and Derek glanced at Peter, both knowing they couldn't, not with the amount of money that was there.

"Very well then, time for a different tactic." Deucalion responded pulling out a draw in the desk and just by a slight glance Derek could see the different type of knives and bottles of liquid lying in it and he prayed to God that it wasn't liquid wolfsbane.


"Alright Lydia, Allison, Isaac and Mr Argent all go in one car and Stiles, the Sheriff, y/n and I will go in the jeep. You guys follow us and we'll leave the vehicles a mile out so Deucalion can't hear us arrive." Scott explained and the pack nodded heading to the cars.

"Don't hold back against Deucalion and don't attack him alone, no matter what." You instructed as you all got into the two vehicles.

You climbed into the back of the jeep next to your Dad while Scott and Stiles took the front two seats.

"Lydia has never been wrong before. Someone is going to die in the warehouse." You stated taking a deep breath. The last thing the pack needed was for you to have a panic attack.

"There's a first time for everything." Stiles said hopefully, but you shook your head.

"I have a bad feeling about this." You added and Scott nodded.

"So do I. Just guys please be careful alright, we get Derek and Peter and we get the hell out of there."

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