imagine for CarbQueen

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Bella's POV

this is it i thought to myself as i walk up the steps to my half brother, Jonah and his band's house. i took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Jonah had offered me a place to stay for a while or at least until things got better back at home.  Jonah thought i was coming tomorrow, but i got an early flight and now im here. 

i knock on the door but no one answers. i guess they're not here i think to myself. i start to turn back when someone opens the door. "um hello? do we know you?"the boy asks curiously. i stutter but say "um is Jonah here?"i ask looking inside. "who are you exactly?" he asks blocking the doorway. "um i'm Jonah's half sister Bella"i tell him "right"he says laughing a bit.

"Jonah its for you she says she's you half sister"he says sarcastically. he doesn't believe me one bit. 

"what are you-"Jonah says coming into view. once he sees me his eyes go wide. he pushes past the other boy and slams the door shut

"Bella what are you doing here?" he asks

"you told me to come" i tell him confused  "did you not want me to come"i asked.

"what no, of course i wanted you to come its just....i-i haven't exactly told the boys yet"he says scratching the back of his neck. "that would explain why that guy was being so skeptical"i say referring to the boy at the door

"oh thats zach hes always like that, anyways give me a few minutes while i talk to the boys please"he says  practically begging. i sigh "fine"

Jonah walked back into the house leaving me outside alone

Jonah's POV

how am i going to tell them this i think to myself. "um guys i need to tell you all something very important"i say getting their attention. they nod and we all walk to the living room.

"so guys i um....i have a half sister from my dad"i begin to explain.

"she has had a really hard time back in Minnesota and i thought she needed a break from all of it"i say

"so..."jack asks

"so i thought it would be good for her to stay here with us for a while"i say gulping.

"aww man, now i feel bad for not believing her"zach says

"i know i should have told you guys ahead of time", im sorry" i mutter

"its fine and there is an extra room where she could stay" Daniel says.

"ok great" i say excitedly and go back to Bella

Bella's POV

i was waiting outside for what seemed like hours, but was really a couple of minutes. finally Jonah came back "ok lets get you settled in" Jonah said happily taking my bags with him.

as im walking in i see 4 boys stare at me from the living room.  " so this is you room" Jonah says showing me the room.    "let's introduce you to the guy" he says pushing me towards the living room.  "so guys this is Bella" Jonah says putting his hands on my shoulder.

"Bella this is jack" he said pointing to the curly haired one. i smiled at him and we shook hands

"this is corbyn" Jonah said pointing to the blond one. he smiled kindly and i shook his hand. 

"that's Daniel" he said pointing to the one with the pretty eyes (amirite XD). Daniel gave me a goofy grin which made me laugh. i knew that we would be great friends.

"and this is zach, he's the one who answered the door" jonah said.

"yeah um sorry about that" zach says awkwardly "its ok i get it, you wouldn't want any stranger walking into the house"i said understanding him completely. we both laughed 

i talked to the guys all night and we got to know each other.

-a few months later-

me and the boys have gotten along pretty good. as i said me and Daniel became the best of friends. corbyn would give me the best of advice and we would start with some weird conversations like photosynthesis. jack was like another brother to me, he treated me like another one of his sisters (lol familyzoned) and then there was zach. me and zach had gotten really close. we definitely had feelings towards each other. the only problem was my half brother jonah. he had made it very clear to me that he didn't want me dating any of the boys. 

but that's the thing, i didn't listen to him and now im here sneaking out with zach to go to the movies. 

"zach im not sure about this"i tell him once we are out of the house. "if Jonah finds out he's going to flip and probably send me back to Minnesota"i tell him. 

"hey, he's not going to find out"zach says tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

he grabs my hand and we walk to our destination. all throughout the walk im thinking i hope Jonah doesn't find out......

A/N did anyone else start singing nobody gotta know while reading this? now i cant get it out of my head. i hope you like it, if not i can change it. and yes im aware i kind of left it on a cliffhanger

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