imagine for Issys24

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Issys pov

zach and I have been together for 2 years now. Thefans were very supportive of our relationship. Right now we were bothon younow because we were bored. We were just goofing around whenzach got a text "i'll be right back" he said leaving for amoment. "so its just you guys and me" in said to the broadcast.The comment were questions about how I did my makeup and what I was wearing and all that stuff. A few minutes later zach came back."sorry about that. I'm back guys" he said smiling. We stayed onyounow for about half an hour before we sad goodbye and logged off.Today was kind of an off day, so the boys didn't have nothing to dotoday so we sat on the couch watching t.v.

"hey zach help me with this" Daniel called fromhis bedroom. "im coming" zach said. A few seconds after he lefthis phone started ringing from beside me. "well you going to pickit up?" jack asked.

"that's his phone" I said in a duh tone. "so"he shrugged. I sighed and answered it and put it on speaker, sincejack was so curious. "hey zach baby, I know you said not to call atthis time, but I really missed you" some chick said. "um who isthis?" I asked. "seriously zach. That's not even funny. Its me Maggie, you girlfriend wtf" she said in a bored tone. "um excuseme but this isn't zach, this is Issys, zach's girlfriend" I saidangry. "WHAT" she screamed. "you have got to be kidding me,look whoever you are I didn't know he had a girlfriend" she said sympathetically. I hung up shocked. I turned to jack with the phonein my hand. He was just as shocked as I was. I was literally shaking. "oh Issys im so so-" jack said but was cut off by zachwalking into the room. "hey Issys have you seen" heasked but then he saw it in my hand. "I CANT BELIEVE YOU. 2 YEARSTOGETHER MEANT NOTHING TO YOU" I said angry and in tears. I closedmy eyes for a second and sighed. "i hope Maggie makes you happyseem as apparently you weren't with me" I said and walked into theroom we shared and packed my stuff. As soon as I mentioned Maggie's name his face was filled with shock and regret."Issys please dont do this, it was a mistake I swear" he pleaded with me. "yeah that's what they all say" I said rolling my eyes. (its true though.In every story where he cheats they always say the same thing)

I grabbed my bag and headed out of the house withzach chasing me. I ended up heading to my friend logan's house. Heand I have been best friends since before I met the boys. He was likean older brother to me. As soon as I got to his house I knocked furiously on the door.

"hey Issys, logan's not here now but-"ayla saidopening the door. She stopped mid sentence once she noticed my face."oh my God what happened" she said engulfing me in a hug. We wentback inside and sat in the couch. I told her everything that hadhappened. I had Kong on my lap for comfort.

"he's and idiot for doing that to you. And tothink you were together for 2 years and the fans absolutely lovedyou' she said angered.

"hey ayla im back and I bought more pla-" he saidbut stopped once he saw me. "Issys my little sister" he saidrunning up to me and hugging me while holding his vlog camera. "whyare you crying" he asked once he noticed my red face. "Logan notnow" ayla said giving him a looked. He turned off his camera and satdown for me to tell him. Once I told him, he was furious. "imgoing to kill him" he said heading out the door. "no Logan pleasedon't" I pleaded with him "but he hurt you" he said "itdoesn't matter" I said. We argued for like 2 minutes before he gaveup ad said fine. "can stay here for the night?" I asked. "youcan stay here for as long as you need" Logan said hugging me.

-one week later

it had been a week since the accident. Zach hadtried to call me nonstop and even tried to stop by but Logan wouldn't let him in. the fans were suspicious after seeing logan's vlog. So farneither of us had said anything. right now I was with ayla watchingKong while Logan was out. I was on twitter when everyone starting tweeting with the hashtag #zachthecheater. I was confused about the hashtag and saw that zach was on younow.

Once I went in I was shocked at what I saw. "guysyes in confess I cheated on her" zach said tearing up."guys Imade I mistake and lost the most important person in my life. Issysif your watching this, I love you and im so sorry, please forgive me.It was a mistake please" he continued. I couldn't believe he saidthat in front of 1 million views. The fans were pissed in thecomments. He ended the younow a few second later. I got dressed properly and headed to the boys house. Daniel opened the door for me.He was surprised to see me here. "dude he's been a wreck since you left" Daniel said,

he lead towards zach's room. I went in "Daniel goaway for the hundredth time" zach said. He was laying face down onthe bed, so he couldn't see me. "its not Daniel" I said. Immediately upon hearing my voice he stood up. "oh my its reallyyou" he said hopeful. "yeah" I said "Issys im so sorry forwhat I did. I broke up with that girl and to be honest I never reallysaw her we always talked through the phone" he said tearing up."please forgive me. Your the best thing that has ever happened tome" he said now full on crying. "you have one more chance" Isaid smiling and also crying at the same time. "thank you so muchI will not blow it, I promise" he said hugging me and kissing my forehead. And he kept his promise, he never did cheat again.

A/N this was llong, hope you lie it, if not I canchange it

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