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hello so this is nit an update. (i know im so sorry, i hate making authors notes, but this has to be said)

so i wanted to bring awareness to child sex offenders or pedophiles on the internet. im bringing this up because recently i had a scare with it. 

so i was watching Eben's live and some girl messaged me on Instagram. i opened it thinking she was a wdw fan, but turns out she wasn't. she kept asking me weird questions and all out scaring the living hell out of me.(this had never happened to me before)   in the end i blocked her and reported her. 

going through that scary experience made me want to bring awareness to this issue because we really don't know who it is we are talking to. we dont know who's on the other side of the conversation. and i feel like us as a fandom need to be even more careful with who we talk to, because if your like me you love to make new internet friends with similar interests. that is what i thought this girl was (a wdw fan) but she wasn't. so i just want you all to be careful, when you talking to people on the internet. you never know who the person actually is. 

as a fandom and a family that we are (you all are my family and i love all of you) i want you all to be safe and be aware of who you are talking to. if the person starts asking you questions you uncomfortable with block them. do not give in to what they are asking. also report them so they cant do this to anyone else. also you can tell an adult, they would know exactly what to do in that situation. 

above all stay safe on the internet and know who you are talking to. 

sorry for not updating. i will update soon, i just needed to get this out. thank you for reading, have a good day.

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