zach imagine part two

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zach POV

*right after y/n left, while in the car with the boys*

"guys why did y/n tell you guys that she was leaving but not me? i thought we were  friends" i asked. i had stopped crying now.

the guys exchanged glances and didn't say anything.

you see the truth is i really like y/n. I've liked her since the moment we met, but i knew for a fact that see didn't have the same feelings towards me. she only saw me as a friend.

"since no ones gonna say it i am" daniel started
the boys gave him a look as if to say 'don't'

"zach you broke y/n's heart" he said looking at me.

"What are you talking about if anything she broke my heart" i said in disbelief

"zach you are literally the most oblivious person on this planet" Corbyn said throwing his hands in the air in an exaggerated form.

"WHAT, what is it you guys aren't telling me?" i asked in desperation

"DUDE y/n likes you" jack said

"more like loves him" daniel added

"actually loved as in past tense because zach's an idiot. sorry zach" jonah said looking at me

"guys what are you talking about she doesn't like me like that" i said to them

"as i said he's an idiot. again sorry zach" jonah added

"zach y/n really liked you, we all new it. but seeing you with kat every single day literally made her miserable. so when she said she was leaving to australia we didn't stop her. of course were gonna miss her like crazy but if going to australia meant she would be happy then we're happy (idk if this made sense but...)

i couldn't believe what i was hearing. the girl I've had a crush on since the day we met literally liked me back, but i was to stupid to even notice. at the moment i feel like a monster. how could i have not noticed? how could i have hurt the one person i cared about the most?

"guys can i confess something?" i asked
they all nodded

"i like y/n too. but i thought she would never like me back so i started to date kat to try and get over y/n. i know im the stupidest person in the world. i hate myself for hurting y/n" i said as i started to cry and corbyn hugged me.

"damn you really are stupid. again sorry"jonah said                     (this is something i would say)

"dude you should text her. try to clear the air with her at least."
jack said

"dude she's coming back in 6 months so you got 6 months to fix everything you messed up" daniel said

"i messed up bad, but im going to fix this" i said.

i took out my phone to see my last text to her which was right after she boarded the plane.
i simply wrote "why?"
she read it and didn't reply. i was in the middle of texting her when my phone died.

crap i thought.
i will text her when i charge my phone...

----------6 months later-------------------------

y/n pov

im freeeee i thought to myself .

finally i can go back to america. as the director said some final words in appreciation to all our hard work and blablabla i couldn't help but run back to my trailer and pack my things.

i couldn't wait to see my friends and family again.

i missed being in logan's (loganpaul) vlogs

i missed asking corbyn for advice on anything because he's so wise.

i missed daniels goofyness (i suck at spelling)

i missed brother from another mother jonah

i missed jack's hair (sorrynotsorry)

and well.... then theres zach
i wish i could say i didn't miss him or that i was totally over him, but im not.

i miss zach the most actually.
i was really nervous to him since the last i heard from him was in the airport.

i don't know if he ever texted because i got a new phone. i gave all the guys my number but him. surely the guys would give him my new number.

-----time skip---

as i got off the plane i waited for logan to come pick me up.
i was leaving the gate when i saw a familiar face holding up a sign with my name on it.

but it wasn't was zach.
he was dressed in a suit holding up a sign.
i walked up to him but before i could even say anything he spoke.

"y/n...these 6 months have been the worst six months ever without you. i want you to know that im so sorry for the way i made you feel all those months ago. i also have feelings for you, but being the idiot i am i led myself to believe that you didn't like me that way, so i tried to hide my feelings by dating kat, but in doing that i was only hurting you more. but i want you to know that i really like you and its ok if you don't like me that way anymore i just want to know if you could ever forgive me" he finished his speech.
by now i was in tears

i hugged him and he hugged back.
(no you dont say, obviously he's gonna hug back)

"zach i forgive you. i always will because im in love with you you little idiot" i said to him as i kissed him. he laughed during the kiss but kissed back.

"you remind me of jonah' he said laughing

"why' i asked

"oh no reason" he said

"so y/n would you like to go on a date with me?' zach asked

"of course i would" i responded

"good cause we are going right now" he said as he grabbed my hand and ran out of the airport into a car where his band's manager David was in the driver seat.

i was surprised at first but eventually agreed to this date. we spent the rest of the day walking around the city, we ate at panera bread and then went out to get ice cream.

it was late at night when we got back to the wdw house.  when we got there i was immediately engulfed in a group hug by the other boys.

jonah, daniel,corbyn and jack then proceeded to chase zach around the house yelling at him for spending the day with me without coming to see them first.

man im glad to be back in LA i thought to myself

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