imagine for Dylan_24

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3rd person pov

Mary and the boys were hanging out in the living room of their house. Mary had known the boys for about 4 months now and had gotten really close to them. she was currently talking with Daniel. in theses 4 months her and Daniel have gotten pretty close. Daniel was like a best friend to her. Mary was currently laughing at something Daniel had said. she happened to glance at where the boy were sat and that's when she noticed jack, more specifically the glare he was giving Daniel. she looked at him confused, but turned her attention back to Daniel as he was showing her a picture on his phone. once she saw the picture she started laughing again. 

all of the sudden jack stood up from his seat still holding an angry glare towards Daniel. he stood in front of the pair, who were now confused. "Daniel, what the hell dude" he said angry. "i thought we were friends" he added. Daniel looked at him in confusion. "jack whats wrong? what going on?" Mary asked him. jack face soften once he noticed Mary's confused face. "nothing" he said scratching the back of his neck and leaving the living room, disappearing into his bedroom. Mary stood up to follow him, but he slammed the door shut behind him.

she looked back at the boys who were sitting on the sofa. they didn't look the least bit surprise at what had just happened. that meant they knew something Mary thought to herself "guys what was that all about?" she asked them in desperation. they all mumbled a 'nothing' and shifted uncomfortably in their seats. they are definitely hiding something she thought to herself.  "come on guy" she asked desperately. "OK fine" Jonah said giving in.

"jack likes you, there i said it" he said sighing as if he just revealed the biggest secret he had kept. "and he is just jealous of how much time you and Daniel spend together ad how well you two get along" Jonah said as if nothing

"dude" zach said in a warning tone. "what jack can bite my head off for all i care, besides he basically just gave himself away when he caused that scene a few moment ago" Jonah said in a duh tone "to be honest IDGAF what he does to me, Mary deserves to know anyways" Jonah said as he got up and left to his room. Mary looked at the rest of the boys searching for answers in their facial expressions. Daniel held a sad expression upon hearing jack tell him that he thought they were friends. of course they were, Daniel considered jack to be his best friend. he would never do that to jack. 

Mary looked at zach who held a surprised expression upon hearing Jonah. he respected jack's decision not to tell Mary anything and thought the other felt the same but apparently that wasn't  the case.  after a brief moment of silence corbyn spoke up.

"so now you know, what are you going to do?" he asked looking at Mary. "i have to go talk to him" she said turning around and heading to his room. she knocked but herd nothing so she opened the door. jack was lying face down on his bead. "go away Daniel, i dont want to talk" jack said thinking it was Daniel, who he shred a room with. "um actually its not Daniel" Mary said. 

upon hearing her voice jack immediately sat up and faced her. "hey Mary" he mumbled looking down. "jack what happened out there. please tell me i want to understand" she asked. "its just that" he started, but stopped himself mid sentence. "you like me" she said finishing the sentence for him. "who told you?" he asked surprised. "it doesn't matter" she said not wanting to give Jonah up. "so now you know , you probably dont like me back anyways" he started rambling on, but she cut him off saying "wait wait, who said i didn't like you?" she asked. "no one i just assumed" he said "well you never asked" she responded. "so do you like me?" he asked hopefully. that was the question. did she like him? she never really thought of that. now that she did think about, she actually did like him "i mean i think i do" she answered "well let me take you out on a date maybe after then you could decide" he offered. smooth jack she thought to herself smiling. 

"sure i would like that" she said smiling. jack jump of his bed and hugged Mary in excitement spinning her around in the process. she laughed at his sudden burst of happiness. once he let her down she spoke in a serious tone "but first i want you to apologize to Daniel"  she told him. "yeah i know, i yelled at him for no reason" jack said looking down. he left the room and looked for Daniel to apologize to him


the next day Mary and jack went on their date and had a lot of fun. Mary got to really know jack. its safe to say that there were many more dates to come after that

A/N this was so fun to write. i dont know why but i read this in with a British accent XD also i keep making Jonah an ass, but he literally is me in this imagine. i wrote  so late at night cause apparently thats when my brain actually starts to function around that time. XD

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