ZACH imagine

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Zachary Dean Herron....
The boy she had grown to love. The boy she had fallen in love with. The boy she gave up everything for. That one person that despite everything she had to deal with on a daily basis, she knew he would always be there for her. He was everything to her, the love of her life, her perfect match, the guy of her dreams.

It was safe to say that she loved him with all her heart, despite all the negativity that came with being ZACH Herron's girlfriend and she knew that he loved her just as much...

Or so she thought...

Here she was standing in front of the cafe window with her best friend jonah, staring at the boy who promised that he only loved her and would never cheat on her, have his lips pressed into another girl. Y/n sighed closing her eyes, tearing up as all the memories they shared flooded her mind.

"Y/n I'm so sorry" Jonah said placing his hand in her shoulder. She took a deep breath before turning to face him
"It's ok Jonah. You know what, I really don't feel like going out anymore. I'm just gonna head back home, you should get going, katie is waiting for you" (or however you would like to Name Jonah's girlfriend)

"But y/n-" Jonah tried saying but she cut him off. "Jonah it's ok, I'm just tired. I'm fine don't worry" she said putting on a fake smile that he knew all too well.  Jonah sighed sadly know I g that she wasn't fine. "Ok, I'll call you later to check up on you" he said as the both walk in opposite directions.
Both of them failing to notice zach push the girl off of him roughly.  She was just a crazy fan after all. But y/n didn't know that....

Y/n teared up walking into the room she and ZACH shared. She sighed giving the room one last glance as when knew it would be the last time she was physically there. It wasn't the fact that he had cheated on her, that hurt her the most. It was everything she went through on a daily basis, everything she put up with just cause she loved him. All the hate she got, the friends she lost and the fake friends she made, all the pressure that was put on her. It was all to much for her, but she was willing to go through it all just for him.
But None of it mattered anymore and she was left with an empty whole inside as she cried while writing a goodbye note to him.
She knew she could bare to tell him in person.
Finishing the letter, she placed it on top of his pillow and walked up to the shared bathroom. Locking herself in it.
She had already lost so much and all that was left was to lose herself as well.
She didn't want to suffer anymore and this was her way out
Her lips started to tremble as tears were building up rapidly and began to stream down her face. She sat on the corner of the bathroom trying not to make any noise even though none was in the house, but it hurt to much to hold it in so she let out a yelp, a heartbroken cry as she began to lose her breath because of how much it hurt
She needed to let it out..
Staring at the bottle of pills in her hand she teared up whispering one last goodbye as she pulled the cap off and swallowed the pills...


"You need to explain to y/n what really happened. She was so hurt" Jonah said as he and ZACH walked through the door of their house. Jonah had not gone to go see Katie, instead he bailed on her last minute want I g to confront ZACH on what happened earlier.

"Y/N!" Jonah called out but there was no answer.
"I think she left,? Let  me call her" Jonah said walking outside with his phone in his hands while dialling her number.

ZACH on the other hand, walked up the stairs and into their room and sat in the bed sighing, while running his fingers through his hair stressful.
All he wanted to do at the moment was have y/n in his arms and tell her how much he loved her. Of course he knew how much she suffered just by being with him. He knew about all the hate that she got and how despite everything she still stuck with him and he loved her so much for that.
He would never understand why she stuck with hi. Throughout it all, but he was grateful that she did cause he didn't know what he would do without her in his life.
S looked over the bed he spotted a blue paper floded nearly with his name written on it, placed on the top of his pillow. He knew it was from y/n cause of the way the Z was written.

why dont we imagines and preferences जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें