how you get back together 5/5

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this is the zach one that i didn't do. i had no idea how to bring them back together. this is going to be a bit cheesy but oh well..

it had been a month since the incident with zach.

after that day zach would try nonstop to talk to you but you would just ignore his phone calls. you even blocked his contact .you would still talk to the boys. he would sometimes tweet sad things. one day you came back from school to see your best friend, who you were staying with, cooking some of your favorite food. she only ever cooked your favorite food on your birthday or on a holiday. before you could even ask she said "don't ask, it's a surprise. go upstairs and get ready. I bought you a new outfit that I know you'll love." she said smiling. you went upstairs took a shower and when you saw the dress your best friend had bought you smiled. it was the dress you had been eyeing for a while. (just imagine the dress of your choice) you put it on. you did you hair. you decided to curl the bottom parts.

and then you did you makeup. by the time you went downstairs your best friend was nowhere to be found. in the dinning room you saw a candle light dinner for two. at the corner of the room was zach . he was in a suit. "you planned all of this?" you asked in shock. "yeah your friend helped me to. it was the only way I could get you to hear me out".he said. your smile quickly turned into a frown as you remembered what happened. zach took out a seat for you two sit.

 you two were eating your favorite food (imagine it's your favorite food) " wow this is delicious. your friend is a way better cook then i will ever be" he said. you both laughed. you guys spent the whole night chatting and laughing. at the end of dinner Zach took out a small box that had a ring. "y/n, I'm sorry for ignoring you and ditching you, it's just there's been a lot going on lately and I guess I didn't really handle it the correct way. and I didn't make any plans with that queen B from Starbucks, heck i dont even know her to be honest, she just said that to make you think I was cheating on you. this is a promise ring" he said putting it on your finger "I promise to never make you feel the way you did before. I promise to always be by your side no matter what".he said. you two hugged "so do you forgive me?".he asked. yes you said before you two kissed. you heard a camera go off and saw your best friend taking a picture of you two. "this is going in the scrapbook" she squealed...

you laughed at her.

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