"Don't worry Lauren," Chris said, patting me on the shoulder and pushing past me into the room, "you're not impressive anyway."

"Great, that's reassuring," I sighed. I looked expectantly at my parents and younger sister. "Guys? You promise?"

"We'll try our best," my dad said, "but we can't make any promises."

"Of course you can't," I mumbled under my breath as they all slid past me and into the room.

I entered after them and stopped in the living room, facing Dinah and Normani who were on the couch and Ally who was in the kitchen.

"Girls, this is my family," I announced to no one in particular.

They all snapped out of their current distractions and went to greet my family, Dinah and Normani with handshakes and Ally with hugs.

"How old are you?" Chris asked Ally as he pulled out of her embrace.

"Nineteen," she said with a flip of her hair.

"Are you serious? You're so short!" he exclaimed.

"Chris!" I snapped.

"Don't worry, I get that a lot," Ally assured us, dismissing the comment with a wave of her hand.

Chris made his way to Dinah and Normani who were once again sitting on the couch and wedged himself in between them, throwing both his arms over their shoulders.

"And, uh, how old are you two?" he said flirtatiously.

"Nice try, hotshot. We're all too old for you," Normani laughed.

Dinah joined in her laughter and cleared her throat. "Bah Felicia!" she chirped, waving her hand in front of Chris's face.

Chris got up from his position between them and slumped into one of the kitchen chairs, clearly defeated.

"Where's Camila?" I asked, finally realizing that 1/5th of the group was missing.

"Hmm...that's a good question," Dinah answered, sitting up slightly and craning her neck to see into the bedroom across from her.

"Did anyone see her leave? Did she say where she was going?" I asked frantically, more concerned about her missing the opportunity to properly meet my family than anything.

"I didn't even know she was gone," Normani admitted, and Ally shook her head in agreement.

"I'll go look for her," Dinah offered, slowly getting up from the couch.

I held a hand out to stop her. "No, I'll go. My family will keep you entertained. I need a break from my siblings."

"You get a break when we leave to go back to Miami and you get to stay here in LA," Chris reminded me.

"Yeah, but I need a break now," I insisted, and I walked out the door before anyone could try to stop me.

I made my way directly to the elevator, assuming if Camila were on the same floor she would be back in my room by the time I returned from my manhunt. I pressed the button and stepped in when I heard the familiar ding, riding all the way down to the main level and stepping off. I walked along the hallway of rooms, stopping only briefly to pick up a five dollar bill that was laying on the ground, but putting it back when I decided that the owner was probably looking for it.

I stepped into the cool, air conditioned lobby and looked around in search of Camila. The lights were dim and the space was empty, causing the room to have a calming atmosphere and an eery silence. I almost gave up and assumed that Camila was already back in my room, but then I heard what sounded like a thick stack of papers falling to the floor in the vending room. I walked knowingly towards the sound and stopped in the doorway to find a flustered Camila bending over to pick up a fallen book, dropping it again before she could get it back on the shelf.

Should Have Known (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now