"Wait, Demi?" she said and I turned around to look at her. "Thank you, and sorry for being a bitch," I let out a small giggle.

"You weren't a bitch and why are you thanking me?"

"For everything. What you just did for me, your music, existing, being an amazing role model, everything," the girl said which made me smile.

"Awh, no, thank you for supporting me. What's your name sweetie?"


"That's a pretty name, remember stay strong," I said giving her a stern look and then a smile. I waved and then went to get our drinks and left. I ate my food while I was driving because I knew I would have to feed Anna when I got home. 

"What'd you guys do?" I asked curiously when I got home. Nick and Anna were still both laying in my bed.

"We couldn't really do anything since you wont even let me get out of bed," Anna said with an attitude.

"If you don't let those heal then they will keep opening and you'll have to get stitched. And ditch the attitude," I said sternly. She rolled her eyes at me and I looked over to see Nick trying not to laugh. "What's so funny?!" I asked.

"Nothing, you're just a hypocrite," 

"Oh really? How is that?"

"You're telling her to ditch the attitude when you're like the queen of sass," he said. Anna was laughing with him now.

"You are such a bad influence!" I said gesturing to Anna laughing at Nicks comment. "Eat your damn food," I said tossing Nick the bag with his food in it.

"Nick's the bad influence? Have your heard some of the things that come out of your mouth?" Anna sassed.

"Watch it little girl!" I said pointing my finger at Anna. I handed Anna her Starbucks and then got her food out for her.

"What?! You didn't get me anything from Starbucks?" Nick asked.

"No, I didn't know what you would want," I said

"You could've asked me!"


"Well I'm sharing your's then,"

"Um no you aren't,"

"Be a good influence and share Demi," He said taking a drink out of my Starbucks. I rolled my eyes at him and playfully slapped him before he wrestled me to the ground and started tickling me.

"Nick! Stop," I screamed about a million times before he finally stopped. I caught my breath and got up to help Anna eat. She was currently struggling to swallow a bite of food. "That's it, good girl," I said when she finally swallowed the microscopic bite of food while running my fingers through her tiny bit of hair on her head and then patting her back.

"She's not a dog Demi," Nick said. I rolled my eyes and watched Anna crack a weak smile. I took the fork from Anna and started feeding her. She does better when I feed her.

"Here comes the choo choo train! Chuga chuga chuga chuga choo choo!" I said as I brought the fork closer to her mouth. She gave me an 'are you serious' look.

"Demi, she's not a baby either," Nick said. I laughed.

"Just eat the damn food!" I said as I put the fork into Anna's mouth. Our joking around stopped when Anna began seriously struggling after a few bites. We were on about her 6th bite when she pushed my arm away from her and leaned her head back.

"I can't eat anymore Demi, It hurts!" she whined.

"I know baby girl, just eat two more bites and you can be finished," she lifted her head back up and let out a whimper. I got a big bite of food on the fork and placed it in her mouth. She chewed on it for what seemed like forever. I held her had and rubbed the back of it with my thumb reassuring her. She finally swallowed it and I gave her another big bite. After she finally finished Nick took her leftovers down and put them in the fridge. As soon as he left the room she completely broke down.

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