6 - Rivals, Left and Right, for Him and Her

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As Ranma sat silently in class, he couldn't help but think about his fiance. She was a pretty girl, he wouldn't deny that. But, she was also sought after by other guys. Ranma frowned a bit, remembering his fight earlier with Kuno. He didn't want to have to fight with him everyday over a girl!

Ranma heard whispering, which made him pause in his thinking and look up. Some of the girls in class were looking at him and giggling amongst themselves. He raised an eyebrow at them, making them blush and giggle a bit more before turning away from him. 

A balled up piece of paper hit Ranma on the head a few minutes after. "Ow." he whispered as to not get the teacher's attention. While rubbing his head, he opened the paper and saw a note addressed to him. 

Pay attention, Ranma. You're engaged.

Across the room, Akane sneered as she watched Ranma glance up at (Name). He shoved the note into his pocket and kept his eyes on the teacher and the chalkboard for the rest of class. Akane nodded in approval and turned her attention back to the lesson, as well.

When the bell rang for lunch, (Name) pulled out her lunch and moved over to the now empty desk next to her twin. Most of the students ate in the classroom, but some of them went down to the cafeteria. 

"Hey, wait," the (Hair Color)-haired girl stopped and looked around. "Where's Ranma? I'm sure he wouldn't want to eat alone." She looked toward his seat and stared for a moment. Ranma was surrounded by a group of 3 girls who were offering him bits and parts of their lunches and chatting with him. 

Akane looked around her sister and scoffed at the scene. (Name) sat down next to her and opened up her lunch. "Never mind. He found someone to eat with."

"(Name), don't you think that he should be over here with us? Those girls are probably trying to date him."

"It'll be fine, Akane. It's not like we're engaged or anything; he doesn't have to be attached to my hip." 

Akane said, "Actually, you are engaged to Ranma, remember?"

(Name) paused, thinking about what she had said. "W-well, you know what I meant!"

Ranma was visibly uncomfortable with all of the attention he was getting from the three girls sitting by him. One of the girls was trying to feed him some type of fried meat, talking about how delicious it was. He reluctantly accepted the meat and smiled nervously as he chewed. "It's good."

"Of course it is," the platinum-blonde girl giggled. Her light brown eyes sparkled with excitement as she smiled sweetly at him. "My mother is a very good cook. She taught me all she knows."

"Rida, stop hogging him!" Another girl, Ao, complained. She grabbed Ranma by the chin and turned him toward her. Ao stuffed some beef-flavored noodles into his mouth as she gazed into his eyes. "Your eyes are gorgeous, y'know? I just love your eyes..."

San, the last girl, reached up and started twirling Ranma's braid around her finger. She giggled behind her other hand. "This looks like it took some work, huh?"

"Come on, girls," Rida said, waving her friends off of Ranma. "Give him some breathing room."

Ranma swallowed the food in his mouth and stood up. "Okay, I'm leaving."

Before he could go anywhere, San grabbed his hand. "Wait! Wait!"

"Yeah, we have some questions about you and the Tendo girl." Ao smirked at Rida.

"What about it?" Ranma asked them, slightly annoyed.

Rida tapped her temple as she smiled at him. "First off, why did you carry (Name) Tendo into class today?"

Engaged to Ranma (Ranma x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang