16 - Stockholm Love? No Such Thing!

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(Name) knocked on the door of Ranma and Genma's room before sliding the door open. She saw Ranma sitting criss-cross on his sleeping futon. He looked over at her. "What's up?"

"We're going to school now. Aren't you coming?"

Ranma shook his head. "Nah. I'm supposed to take it easy, remember? I'm staying here to rest."

She frowned at his choice of words. Then, she muttered, "Well, good, then. Get back all the strength you need, Ranma. I wouldn't want you to exhaust yourself."

"There you go, babying me again. I'm fine! It's been 2 days since the match, and I'm still kickin'. Don't think so little of me!"

(Name) bristled before shouting, "Goodbye!" and slamming the door shut.

Her slamming the door awoke Genma. He jumped up in bed and looked around. "Wha? What's happened?"

Ranma replied, "(Name)'s upset with me." Genma smacked him on the head. "Ow! Pop, what the heck?!"

"Ranma, go apologize for making her upset. Do it quickly, before she leaves for school!"

"All she'll do is get on to me about being out of bed! She wants me to stay put and recover."

Genma chuckled. "And, I see that you're doing as she says. It's good to listen to your fiance; it proves that you care about her opinion."

Ranma became embarrassed before he shouted, "I'm just doing it so she'll stay off my back about it! See, Pop?! Having a fiance is getting in the way of my training and finding a way to get rid of my curse!"

"Ranma, don't you think that (Name) could help you find a cure?"

"Oh, sure! She said so, but we haven't looked anything up since that incident with Shampoo! It's not fair, Pop! None of that stuff with Shampoo was my fault! Why am I being punished for it?"

Genma shook his head at his son. "It's not manly to whine and complain, Ranma." He ignored the glare and growl Ranma turned on him. "Maybe, she simply forgot. Just remind her. But, mind what you say, or you'll upset her even more."

When (Name) got to the school, she was bombarded with questions from the trio of girls who liked Ranma. 

Ao put her hands together in a begging manner. "Oh, please, please! Is he okay?"

"You have to tell us!" San said.

(Name) raised an eyebrow at them. "No, I don't."

Ao cried, "Oh, are his eyes okay?! Are they still that beautiful, irresistible shade of blue?!"

The Tendo twin shrugged. "I guess."

"What about his hair? It didn't get chopped off, did it? It'd look hideous if it got cut!"

(Name) frowned at her. "It's fine." 'Do these two only care about Ranma's eyes and hair?'

Rida crossed her arms as she sat at her desk. "I heard through the grapevine that Ranma got thrown into a wall because of you, (Name) Tendo," her lackeys gasped in surprise, turning to listen to her. She smirked at the girl. "No wonder he got mad at you after he had to fight through the pain."

Akane scowled at the blonde girl before turning to her sister. "(Name), don't entertain their nonsense."

"I tried to stop him, okay?! But, he's just stubborn!" (Name) gritted her teeth angrily.

"Oh, just stubborn?" Rida echoed. "I'm sure that if I got stuck with a clingy girl like you as a fiance, I'd be stubborn about doing something for myself, too. Word is that the match was supposed to be just between Ranma and Mikado, but you made Ranma bring you along."

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