30 - Best Buddy Ucchan

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Ranma's face was completely red as he walked next to (Name). Their fathers forced them to go to a supply store together to get things to fix the mess Happosai had made of the house. (Name) was carrying some bags of fabric and paper while Ranma carried a few tool boxes. 

Each time (Name) tried to talk to Ranma, she froze up and just stared at the ground. The weight of yesterday's event still hung in the air and made things awkward between them. She gripped the bags tighter before turning to the boy beside her. "Ranma!"

"Y-yes?" He flinched a little, not expecting her to yell.

"If... if you didn't mean what you said yesterday, then we can just forget that you said it. I don't want things to be awkward between us."

He grimaced nervously. "I, well... Um..." Just then, Rama sensed something flying toward them. He dropped the boxes and shoved (Name) back just in time as a spatula flew past their noses and struck into the ground behind them. "A spatula?"

"Where did it come from?" (Name) eyed it nervously. 

They both turned around to see someone approaching them slowly. The person had a large spatula mounted to their back, and smaller ones sheathed along a bandolier across their chest. Their blue eyes were dark with anger, and narrowed slightly at the sight of Ranma. "Ranma..."

"Do I... know you?" He asked cautiously.

The person paused, shocked, and then angrily shouted, "Of course you do, you jackass! It's me, Ukyo!"

"Ukyo... Ukyo." Ranma muttered to himself, trying to remember. Then, he pointed at him excitedly and rushed over to him. "Oh! Ucchan, it's you! I haven't seen you in so long. How's it been?"

Ukyo blinked in surprise at him, blushing in embarrassment at the old nickname. "Wha -- uh--!" He went quiet when Ranma wrapped his arm around his shoulders.

"Gee, it's great to see you again." Ranma grinned happily at him. "What brings you to Nerima? You still make okonomiyaki?"

"I..." He gripped his bandolier, not able to put his words together. Then, Ukyo noticed how close they were and shoved Ranma away. "Just get away from me!"

"Huh? What's wrong with you?"

"Don't you dare act all buddy-buddy with me after what you and your father did to me!" Ukyo took up his combat spatula as he angrily spat, "After all these years, I can finally exact my revenge."

"Hasn't this happened before?" (Name) muttered aloud.

Ranma picked her up and gently dumped her over the side of the wall, leaving her safe in an empty field. "Hang here a minute." Then, he turned back to address Ukyo. "What's this revenge, exactly?"

"You ruined my life, Ranma! You and the old man, both!" Ukyo swung at him, but missed. He growled angrily and shouted, "Hold still, you jackass!"

Ranma jumped out the way of another swing, balancing himself on his hand on the blade of the spatula. He frowned hard at Ukyo, confused. "What's the matter with you, Ukyo? I thought you'd be glad to see me. Aren't we friends anymore?"

"Stuff it, Ranma!"

"Huh?" Ranma flinched back at the harsh tone. "Well, you don't have to be so snippy about it. You're acting like a baby."

Ukyo glared, "Name calling? How mature!" He flung Ranma toward the wall before tossing a few throwing spatulas at him.

As Ranma dodged them, he commented, "Says the one who's been calling me 'jackass.'" He landed on his feet and crossed his arms in annoyance. "Come on! Act like a man and talk to me."

Ukyo faltered a bit in his advance, glared into Ranma's eyes. "'Act like a man?' You..." Then, his eyes glowered over in anger. "The next time I see you, Ranma Saotome, you'd better remember what you've done and be ready to make things right. If not, I won't show you any mercy."

As Ukyo ran down the street, Ranma dusted himself off, thinking over his statement. "Make things right..?"

"Ranma!" He turned to the wall and saw (Name) sitting on top of it. She glanced down the street where Ukyo had run off. "Who was that? He looked about ready to cry."

"That was my old friend, Ukyo." He said sadly, looking down the road, too.

Back at the dojo, Ranma immediately hunted down his father for answers. "Spill it, Pop! What's the deal with Ukyo?!"

"Ukyo..? Ukyo Kuonji? Here?!" Genma shot up from his meditation and glanced around in panic.

Ranma grabbed his collar and made his father look at him. "He's not here; he ran off somewhere. But, he is in town, Pop, and he's saying that the next time we meet, he'll exact his revenge. Revenge for what? Ukyo said that we both wronged him."

"Ranma, there are some things that I just can't explain without sounding like a bad guy."


(Name) knocked on the threshold of the door and peeked her head in. "Hi. I heard yelling. Is everything okay?"

Ranma blushed and looked away from her. Genma smiled warmly at her and said, "Yes, everything's fine. I was just about to explain to Ranma about his childhood friend, Ukyo."

"Oh, him. Mr. Saotome, do you know what happened? Ukyo looked so upset when he ran off."

"Oh, well..." Genma hesitated, rubbing the back of his head nervously. (Name) waited patiently for his answer, smiling in a calming manner. He sighed, defeated. "I'm afraid the situation is quite complicated. Have a seat, and I'll explain it."

Ranma and (Name) sat down next to each other. Then, they noticed the proximity between them and scooted apart a bit, both blushing. Genma grinned a bit sadly at them, knowing that everything between them might be ruined by what he had to say.

Elsewhere, Ukyo was sitting by himself in his okonomiyaki shop, closing up for the night. He huffed angrily as he thought back to when he had run into Ranma on the street. "Tch! That stupid jackass... Him and that girl."

"It's great to see you again!" 

Ukyo blushed for a brief moment before shaking it away. "Why would he say that after leaving me behind like he did? He's just messing with my head!"

"Aren't we friends anymore? I thought you'd be glad to see me."

"Grr..." Ukyo slammed his spatula into the counter, leaving a deep dent. "Ranma Saotome! Tomorrow, you face your punishment... like a man."

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