8 - Ryoga Hibiki, the Pig with Poor Direction

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(Name) groaned in exhaustion as she tried to keep up with her twin. Ranma lightly jogged beside her, making sure that she didn't pass out on the street. He started jogging backwards and moved in front of her. "Are you alright? We can stop if you want."

"Nuh-uh! I can do it!" She argued.

"You don't have to try and beat Akane."

"That's not what I'm doing!"

Akane rolled her eyes and sped up a bit. She smirked over her shoulder at her sister and said, "Try to keep up, (Name)~!"

(Name) sped up, as well, and reached out for her. "No, Akane, I'm dying back here..."

"That just might be true." Ranma ran after them.

While the trio of teens were running down the street, someone else was walking up the street. He had his head slightly down as he held onto his backpack straps. Even knowing that three speeding people were on the same side of the street and running towards him, he kept his pace slow and steady.

"Excuse us." Akane said, moving out of the way of the boy. Ranma and (Name) followed suit. "Sorry!"

The boy with the bandana slowly came to a stop, his hands shaking. He turned around with an angry look on his face. "Ranma Saotome!"

Ranma stopped running and turned toward the boy. "Huh?" (Name) and Akane stopped, as well, and ran to stand by Ranma.

"At last, I find you. After all that time of searching, I can finally defeat you! So, Ranma Saotome," the boy reached behind his head and pulled his large umbrella off of his backpack, pointing it threateningly at Ranma. "what do you have to say for yourself?!"

"... Who're you?"

(Name) looked at him in shock. "What? Ranma, this guy's challenging you and you don't even know him?"

"Beats me."

"That's ridiculous," Akane crossed her arms and glared at Ranma. "Just think for a minute. Focus, and try to remember who you might've angered in your past."

"Hmm... Well, you do look kinda familiar..."

The boy with the umbrella growled angrily under his breath. "'Kinda?' You dare insult me that way? You are the sole reason that I traveled miles and miles; because you ran away like a coward! But, now it is time for my revenge." 

Because Ranma was still thinking about who the mystery attacker could be, he nearly got hit by the boy's umbrella. However, he ducked back just in time. "Whoa! Take it easy!" Ranma jumped back a bit, putting some distance between them.

"Ladies, I suggest that you stand back. This battle could get a little bloody." The boy opened up his umbrella and spun it quickly toward Ranma. 

Akane grabbed (Name)'s arm and pulled them both out of the way just in time. She watched the boys closely and commented, "That guy is furious!

"This can't be just some random challenge. He mentioned revenge." (Name) held onto Akane's arm and groaned nervously.

"Hey," Ranma exclaimed as he pointed toward his opponent, "now I remember who you are! Ryoga Hibiki!" Ryoga scoffed with a smirk. Then, Ranma's expression turned to a frown. "Hey! I didn't run away from the fight! You stood me up!"

"I did no such thing!"

"I was standing in that empty lot, waiting for you for 3 days, like an idiot!"

(Name) and Akane looked at each other. "Three days?"

Ryoga tsked at Ranma's statement. "You're an even bigger idiot for leaving. All that time wasted. I showed up the fourth day!"

Engaged to Ranma (Ranma x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن