26 - Plans Gone Awry

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Akane pouted in embarrassment and crossed her arms, blushing. (Name) skipped beside her, grinning and chanting childishly, "Akane and Ryoga~ Sitting in a tree~!"

"Oh, cut it out already. You and Ranma walk to school together all the time! It's no different. Ryoga was just being nice!"

"Akane, don't be so dense. I know that you like him, and he likes you, too! Just tell him!"

Akane pursed her lips in thought. Then, she smiled a little. "I-it's not that simple, (Name)."

She grinned. "Sure, it is. Just invite him to eat lunch with you outside, find a nice secluded place, and confess."

Akane put her hands on her hips and smirked at her twin. "Then, how about you do the same with Ranma? You like him, don't you?"

Now, it was (Name)'s turn to blush. "H-hey, that's different! Ranma and I are engaged already; we don't have to worry about confessions and all that."

"So, you want to marry him? You love him already?"

"I-I don't know!" She twiddled her thumbs nervously.

The long-haired twin smiled. "Then, you still have some confessions to make in the future. We'll confess when we're ready." Akane put a comforting hand on her sister's shoulder.

(Name) smiled at her and nodded. "Sure thing. Even if you don't confess, you should still invite him for lunch."

"Yeah. I feel bad that he's just waiting outside for me." Akane grinned demurely. "But, it is kind of flattering."

Elsewhere, Ranma was standing off against Gosunkugi. He had asked him to meet in the far courtyard so that they could battle. "Okay, Gosunkugi. What have you got planned? You asked me here to fight?"

"Saotome. You are in a very troubling position. For you see, I have information and evidence that could ruin whatever chance of romance and happiness you had with (Name) Tendo." Hikaru held up the picture in his pocket. "Here I have photographic evidence of your cowardice. I know that you, Ranma Saotome, are scared of magic and sorcery!"

Ranma stared at his foe for a minute. "Listen, Gosunkugi--" Then, he thought over his word choice carefully. "How much of this 'evidence' do you have, exactly? What do you plan to do with it?"

Hikaru looked at the person approaching behind Ranma and nodded at them, smiling. "So, you've made it. I'm glad."

"Huh?" Ranma quickly turned around, only to come face-to-face with Shampoo. "Oh, hey, Shampoo."

"Ni hao, Ranma!"

Gosunkugi was surprised by their friendly disposition. "H-how..? You're supposed to be shaking in your boots." He got behind Shampoo and gently shoved her into Ranma. "Aren't you scared of the Amazon witch? She has magical powers and she'll transform you into a mouse and gobble you up for dinner!"

Shampoo growled at him and knocked Hikaru on the head. "Who you calling 'witch?!' How dare you!"

"Gosunkugi, I'm not afraid of Shampoo. She's just a girl."

"And, what that mean?" Shampoo glared at Ranma from over her shoulder, suddenly holding one of her chui sticks.

He grinned nervously, shaking his hands in surrender. "Nothing, nothing!"

Hikaru crossed his arms. "Very well. So, you aren't afraid of the Amazon. But, you're certainly afraid to lose (Name). Why else would you agree to fight with me?"

"For the pictures, duh!"

"If it's just for the pictures, then I'll give them to you. But, you have to agree to give (Name) Tendo to me forever!"

Ranma scoffed, crossing his arms. "Fine. Go on and ask her out, if you've even got the guts. She wouldn't agree to it, anyway. Yowch!" He shouted out in pain as Shampoo hit him over the head with her chui. "What was that for?!"

"You selfish silly boy! How you think (Name) feel about this?" She scolded him. "She no object to pass around!"

Ranma bristled. "'Pass around?!' What kind of guy do you think I am?! I just know that guys like Gosunkugi aren't (Name)'s type."

Shampoo smirked. "Oh? So, you her type?"

He blushed. "N-no, that's not what I--!"

"And, you! Pale boy!" Shampoo pointed at Hikaru. "You ought be ashamed! (Name) engaged already! Let her go!"

Ranma raised an eyebrow at her as he crossed his arms. "Says the girl who tried to engage herself to 2 attached boys."

"That different!" She glared at him for bringing up the past. Then, she pointed back at Gosunkugi. "You being dumb! You no can beat Ranma; he strong and determined."

"Yeah!" Ranma agreed.

"He stop at nothing to defend his one true love."

"Yeah!" Then, Ranma blushed and glared at Shampoo. "Hey!"

Hikaru stared at them before grinning ever so slightly. "Very well. I will take up your offer, Saotome. After all, you two aren't really engaged."

Ranma growled under his breath as he watched Gosunkugi run off. "That guy..."

"Ranma!" Shampoo turned to him. "You no love (Name)? Not even a little?"

He nearly folded under the pressure of Shampoo's glare. Ranma wasn't 100% about how he really felt about his fiance. He cared about her, but he wasn't in love. Even if he was, he wasn't about to spout off to Shampoo about it; she'd just run and tell (Name). 

Ranma crossed his arms and scoffed, "I don't have to tell you anything."

Shampoo glared harder at him, trying to intimidate him into spilling his guts about his feelings. She slowly smirked as an idea came to her. She giggled and smiled at him as she waved goodbye, "Okay! Bye-bye, Ranma!"

"H-huh? Wait! What're you planning?!" He shouted after her as she ran off. He groaned under his breath. 'I've got a bad feeling about all this... I'd better go find (Name) before Gosunkugi.'

(Name) wiped her mouth with her sleeve as she glanced in confusion at Hikaru. "You want to go out for milkshakes with me after school?"

He nodded shyly. "Y-yes. It's been so long since we've hung out, and I'd like to be closer friends with you."

"Uh, well, I guess that's okay." (Name) smiled at him. "Yeah! It'll be fun. Haha!"

Ryoga and Akane watched them silently. Hikaru had approached them while they were all eating lunch together and asked (Name) out for a milkshake after school. Ryoga leaned over to whisper to Akane, "Is she going on a date with him to make Ranma jealous or something?"

"I don't think she knows he means it as a date. It doesn't really faze me, though, no one's ever asked either of us out before."

Ryoga blinked. "R-really?" Then, he blushed as he got an idea. "Hey, w-we should go to that milkshake place a-and watch over them. Y'know, t-to make sure he doesn't t-try anything."

Akane blushed, too. "S-sure, Ryoga. I'd like that... T-to look after my sister, I-I mean!" They smiled at each other, chuckling nervously.

'And, Saotome thought she'd say no.' Hikaru smiled. "I'll come by the dojo around 5, and we'll walk there together."

"Sure." (Name) nodded. She was excited to get a milkshake with an old friend. But, she was concerned about how Ranma would react to it. 'Tch! I don't need his permission! I can hang out with whoever I want. Besides, it's not like it's a date. We're friends getting milkshakes together.'

Engaged to Ranma (Ranma x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ