25 - The Desirable (Name)

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While Ranma was getting ready for bed, he heard something outside of the window. He turned toward it and saw a little shadow in the corner of the glass move. "Huh?" He quietly tiptoed over to the window and looked outside. Someone was sneaking along the lower roof, going around the corner.

Ranma could only guess where the intruder was going. He had gone to bed late because he wanted to do some practicing, and he had almost forgotten to do his homework. But, everyone else had gone to sleep.

The black-haired boy stealthily slid the window open and climbed up onto the higher roof, crawling along it to see where the stranger was going. He stopped right outside of the girls' bedroom and began rummaging through his pockets.

'The creep with the camera...! He has the nerve to come to her house like this?!' Ranma glared at the pervert by the window as he snapped a few pictures. 'I hope she closed the window like I told her.'

The stranger at the Tendo twins' window set his camera down and pulled out a freshly sharpened pencil. He used the pencil to jimmy the window open so he could open the curtain. Before he could do anything else, a hand reached down and grabbed his shirt collar, lifting him onto the higher roof.

Ranma set the guy on his feet, but didn't loosen his grip on his shirt. "Okay, you. Talk. Who are you?"

The boy was obviously intimidated by Ranma, but he straightened his posture and tried to look him in the eyes. "Hikaru Gosunkugi."

"What are you doing here?"

"That isn't your business."

Ranma glared at him. "You had a camera and you opened the window with a pencil. I oughta turn you in for breaking and entering."

Gosunkugi shook his head. "What's the matter with taking pictures to document your loved one?"

"Hm? Loved one?" Ranma leaned toward Gosunkugi, still glaring at him. "What are you talking about?"

"I've been documenting (Name) Tendo since I discovered that you had shoehorned your way into her life. Everyone knows that the engagement wasn't by choice on her end; you chose her!"

Ranma blushed and bristled in anger a bit. Soun Tendo had told him to choose which daughter would be his fiance, and Ranma had kind of shown a bit of favoritism toward (Name)... "Give me your camera."

Hikaru clutched the camera close to his chest. "No."

"Give me your camera, Gosunkugi. No guy is gonna have pictures of my fiance."

Gosunkugi stared hard at Ranma for a moment. Then, he took a few steps back, getting out of his grip. "C-challenge me for her."


"Challenge me. Whoever wins gets to be (Name)'s fiance and marry her."

Ranma scoffed and crossed his arms. If this shrimp wanted to get his butted kicked, then he would be more than happy to oblige. "Fine. But, when I win, you have to give me every copy of every picture you have of (Name). The negatives and all."

Gosunkugi's grip on his camera tightened a bit. "Very well. Let the best man win."

"Sure." Ranma grabbed Gosunkugi's collar again and jumped down from the roof with him. "And, let me show you to the exit." He let the pale boy go, dropping him just outside of the wall. As Hikaru left, Ranma waved and cheerfully said, "Bye! Don't let me catch you here after dark again!"

Then, Ranma climbed back up to the twins' window to close it before he went back to his room for bed. However, (Name) had woken up and came to the window to close it just as Ranma reached his hand in to grab the window.

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