36 - Mao Mo Lin

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Ranma crossed his arms and leaned against the threshold of the living room entrance. "Hmph! What'd I tell you?" He watched (Name) slowly trudge past him and go into the living room.

"Don't yell; I've got a headache."

"Spent all that time chitchatting in the rain, and now you've got a cold." He followed her into the living room. "Why are you even out of bed, anyway?"

(Name) rubbed her eyes. "I'm hungry. I'll go back to bed after breakfast."

Ranma huffed. "Isn't walking around gonna make your cold worse? Why not have someone bring you something to eat?"

"Everyone's busy. Akane's going to school so she can get my homework, Kasumi has shopping, and Ryoga might get lost in the house."

Ryoga came out of the kitchen and said, "Hey! I know my way around this house like the back of my hand!"

Ranma pointed at Ryoga's left hand. "Then, what's that mark?"

"Hm? Where?" He looked over his right hand for a mark.

"Made you look," Ranma mocked.

(Name) frowned at him. "Ranma, stop teasing him. You and Akane have to leave for school soon, so go and get ready."

"Yeah, yeah." He started walking toward the stairs, shoving his hands into his pockets. Then, he looked over his shoulder and said, "Hey, I want you to take it easy today, okay? There's no good in that cold getting worse."

"I'll be fine, Ranma. But, thank you for worrying." (Name) smiled at him.

He blushed as he turned back toward the stairs. Ryoga slid next to (Name), nudging her with his arm and raising his eyebrows at her. "Look at you two, being friendly~"

(Name) blushed, staring at the ground with a little embarrassed smile. "Oh, knock it off."

During lunch at school, Ranma gazed absentmindedly out the window as he played with his food. Ukyo sat next to him and switched out his homemade lunch for an okonomiyaki she made for him. "So, Ranchan, did you ever decide who your fiance will be?"

He blushed. "U-uh, well, y-yeah. I mean, I--"

Just then, Shampoo crashed through the classroom wall. She was carrying a large bell under her arm. She grinned happily at Ranma and Akane. "Nihao!"

"Nihao, Shampoo," Akane greeted her. 

Ranma frowned nervously at the sight of the Amazon. Ever since she left, he'd been worried about what she'd do when she got back. Something about the grin she had on her face back then...

She giggled and smiled at him as she waved goodbye, "Okay! Bye-bye, Ranma!"

Ukyo leaned over to Ranma and asked, "Ranma Honey, who is she?"

Shampoo walked over to Ranma and dropped the big bell on his desk, crushing the okonomiyaki Ukyo had made him. "Shampoo bring gift from China! Is legendary Mao Mo Lin bell!"

Ranma picked the bell up and twirled it around on his fingertip. "Gee, that's nice and all, Shampoo, but shouldn't you be bringing gifts to your loony boyfriend Kuno?"

"Shampoo and Tachi already couple! It you and (Name) what need help," She told him. "Is very special bell. You keep as pair and couple get married!"

That statement made Ranma blush and drop the bell on his desk again. "S-so, it's some sort of match-making thing?"

Ukyo perked up at that. She went over to Shampoo and held out her hand. "So, if it's a pair, where's the other one?"


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