48 - Following Paths to Soaking Shirts

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Akane karate-chopped some logs of wood for the fire. She crossed her arms and stared down at the firewood. "Do you really think that Ranma is going to help Ryoga?"

"After seeing the spray bottle in action, he knows better than to defy me." (Name) said as she cut up some potatoes on a smooth rock she was using as a cutting board. "Besides, deep down, they're friends. He'd never let his bestie get lost in the woods."

"I suppose..."

(Name) stood up, dusting the dirt off of her sweatpants. She clenched her fists and told her sister, "I'm gonna go catch some fish for dinner! Get that fire started, Akane; I'll be back!"

"Turn left, you idiot!" Meanwhile, Ranma was having a rough time trying to teach Ryoga directions. Still having to wait on hot water to change back, Ranma really wasn't in the mood to be patient with him. She held up her left hand, making an L shape with her pointer finger and thumb. "Do this with your left hand! It makes an 'L!'"

Ryoga held up both of his hands and made an L shape. His right hand was facing palm-up, so it looked like an L, too. He frowned in confusion at his hands and muttered, "They both make an 'L,' I don't understand..."

Ranma felt like ripping her ears off in rage. "Are you actively defying me right now? Or, are you really that dumb?"

"I told you, Ranma, I don't need your criticisms or your help! What makes you think you can teach anyone anything?"

She glared at him. "Are you saying I can't teach? It's more like you can't learn!"

Ryoga turned around and threw a punch at Ranma, shouting, "And, who are you to judge my ability to learn?!"

"If you'd just listen," Ranma dodged the punch and jumped over Ryoga's head to avoid another, "this would all go a lot smoother! Geez, (Name) better thank me for saving her this headache of a lesson."

The bandana boy stared ahead, not bothering to face Ranma at the moment. "Go on and make fun of me. I know I'm hopeless." The defeated, wounded tone of his words made Ranma lower her fists and listen. Ryoga turned around and glared at her with tears in his eyes; honest, frustrated tears. "But, I really am trying! Your constant jeers and short temper aren't helping me get it any faster!"

Ranma frowned, feeling a bit guilty. After all, she could've held back on some of the jokes she made at his expense. She walked up to Ryoga and put her hand on his shoulder. "C'mon, don't go crying about it. You're right, I oughta be more patient with you. So, let's try something else."

Ryoga blinked and quietly sniffled. "Why the sudden change of heart, Ranma?"

"I hate to see a grown man cry. Besides, we just started! It's way too soon for you to be getting all emotional and try to give up."

"Well, when you have a terrible teacher, your emotional fuse gets a bit short, y'know?"

Ranma bonked him on the head. "I am not a terrible teacher! Now, focus, little pig." She took Ryoga by the shoulders and turned him to face the small trail that led to their campsite. "That's the trail that leads you back to the tents. The tents are where Akane is. Now, if you never make it back to the tents, you never make it back to Akane. If she were being attacked by some wild animal, you'd have to get to her quick."

He huffed. "And, I would!"

"But, your bad sense of direction makes you run off of the path. Oh, no!" Ranma was really playing up the theatrics. "Now, who could save her from the savage wolf that has wandered onto the campsite? Akane only trusts her beloved Ryoga to save her from danger."

"B-beloved?" Ryoga blushed lightly.

"But, now she's going to be eaten alive because you couldn't follow the trail and get to the tents."

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