17 - All's Fair at the Fair

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"Listen. I - I wanna apologize. So, let me take you somewhere fun, 'kay?" Ranma nodded in the reflection of the koi pond. "Yeah. I'll tell her that when she gets home."

Ryoga leaned against the threshold and clicked his tongue in disappointment, shaking his head. "'Let me take you somewhere fun?' Ranma, you've got to do better than that if you want her to forgive you."

"Huh?" He turned around and glared at Ryoga. "Since when were you such an expert?! And, why should I be getting forgiveness? (Name)'s the one who was doubting me!"

"She was worried about you, Ranma. Think about it! You took most of the force from that Good-Bye Whirl. She probably feels guilty. How many times did she try to just forfeit to help you?"

Ranma gritted his teeth. "Exactly! She didn't believe I could do it! One hit, and she thinks I need nursing! I'm a strong man and I can take some pain!"

Ryoga sighed. 'There's no use in trying to reason with a guy when his pride is wounded. But, he won the match; that should've helped a bit. I just hope Akane can get (Name) to understand.'

(Name) stared down at the ground as she silently walked back home with her sister. Nabiki was busy with an after school project, so it was just her and Akane. 

"Maybe he just took what you said the wrong way?"

(Name) shook her head. "No, he's right. I baby him too much, I'm a pain, and I just need to back off."

Akane put her fist on her hip. "Come on, (Name), he didn't say any of that! He was just speaking out of pain. Now that everything has simmered down, you guys just need to talk."

"What's there to talk about? Ranma doesn't want me to baby him anymore. So, from now on, I'll leave him alone."

The long-haired Tendo groaned. 'Well, that's a step in the wrong direction. This is ridiculous; they're both in the wrong, and they both need to apologize!'

(Name) pointed ahead at the training hall. "Look, we're home. Can we please stop talking about the fight? It's between me and Ranma, and everything is fine." She walked inside and upstairs to change her clothes.

Ryoga heard the girls come inside the house and turned to Ranma urgently. "Ranma, now's your chance! Apologize for making (Name) feel like she was undermining you, and tell her that you appreciate that she cares about you!"

"What? No way! I'm not gonna apologize for something I didn't do. I told her that her caring about me was fine; just don't take it overboard and try to baby me!" Ranma argued.

"Grr! Now is no time to be prideful and stupid, Ranma! Do it!"

"Stay out of this, Ryoga! This is our business, not yours!"

(Name) put on a cute t-shirt and a mid-length skirt before she skipped downstairs. She blinked in surprise when she saw Ryoga and Ranma in each other's faces, angry and yelling. "What's going on?" Both boys looked toward her. "I thought you two were getting along."

Ryoga looked at Ranma as he muttered, "My thoughts, exactly." Then, he whispered, "Ranma, make it right!" He walked up to the porch and waved to (Name) as he went into the house. "Ranma needs to talk to you, (Name). It's important."

"Ryoga!" Ranma growled.

(Name) turned to him with a curious gaze. "What's the matter, Ranma? What'd you want to say?"

"Uh, um..." He mumbled before shaking his head and setting on a determined expression. "(Name), I want to explain. The only reason that I got mad yesterday was because it seemed like you weren't believing in me and my abilities."

Engaged to Ranma (Ranma x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat