15.2 - Silly Disagreements

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Picking up right where we left off! (Name) has asked Ranma to forfeit the match due to his injury.

"Wait!" Ryoga shouted to them from the announcer's table. He held up one of the flyers. "You can't forfeit the match! If you do, the Golden Pair wins by default and Mikado 'wins' a kiss from you, (Name)!"

Ranma growled, glaring at the Golden Pair's male half. "That jerk..."

"That's not fair! I didn't agree to that!" (Name) complained.

Mikado combed his hair nonchalantly. "Since the challenge wasn't initiated by you, it doesn't matter what you agreed to or not. And, since Ranma didn't specify what the prize would be for the winner, I took it upon myself to choose a prize fitting for such a competition as this."

"You scum!" Ranma advanced quickly toward Mikado, ready to strike.

"Ranma, wait!"

"You're a sick worm of a guy! There's no way I'm letting you kiss my fiance! I'll die before I let that happen!" He threw punch after swing after kick at Mikado, his eyes aflame. His passion and anger drove him forward through the pain each move caused him. Ranma grunted and groaned as Mikado began attacking him back, nearly sending him to the ground.

(Name) ran over to them and got in front of Ranma, defending him. "Don't!" She held her arms out to protect him. However, Mikado couldn't stop himself in time and punched her in the gut. She coughed, holding her stomach and hunching over in agony.

Ranma grabbed her and turned her to look at him. "What are you doing, jumping into a fight like that?! Now, you're hurt!"

"Now, we're even." She smiled at him a bit. "You took the hit at the wall for me. So, I took that punch in the gut for you."


Asusa came up to Mikado with a cheery face. "They're both injured! Do we win now?"

"Not until they agree that they've lost and (Name) will give me my well-earned kiss."

(Name) scowled at him. "The only thing you've earned is a swift kick in the chops. You just punched me! You expect me to agree to kiss you after that?!"

"My dear, it was merely an accident. If I must apologize, then I will."

Ranma stood in front of her. "Don't call her 'my dear.'"

Mikado grinned mischievously. "Oh, yes. You called her 'my (Name),' didn't you?"

The blush on Ranma's face told it all. He ignored Mikado and stepped forward to attack. However, the pain was finally too much for him and he fell to one knee, clutching his body.

"Ranma!" (Name) knelt beside him, lightly touching his back. She pursed her lips before sadly admitting, "Ranma, we have to forfeit."


"Please. I can't stand here and let you continue like this. You need to go rest."

"No!" Ranma tried to stand again, but he was so exhausted. He slammed his fist against the ground as he pushed himself further to at least stand.

(Name) grabbed his arm and slowly helped him to his feet. "Ranma..."

The entire audience was watching with baited breath. (Name) held onto Ranma's arm, keeping him on his feet, as she pleaded with him to forfeit the match. "Ranma, please. I won't give him the kiss; we'll just leave! Let me take you to see Dr. Tofu."

Ranma panted in pain. "I... I refuse to run away. I'm gonna fight him, and I'm gonna win."

Mikado smirked as he combed his bangs. "Hmph. If you're done with the soap opera, I'd like to go ahead and get my victory kiss."

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