41 - The Battle Begins

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The day had finally come for the fight with the dojo destroyer. (Name) had gotten a good night's sleep, eaten a healthy breakfast, and she had a clear and peaceful mind. She was perfectly prepared. She waited in the training room, where the fight would take place, with the whole family sitting by the sidelines. 

As she waited for her father to bring in her opponent, Ranma got up and went over to her. "(Name). During the fight, if you feel like you're in over your head, just call for me to step in, okay?"

(Name) looked off to the side with a little sad frown. "I wish you'd believe in me a little, Ranma."

"Come on, that's not what this is about. Just... just call for me when you need me, got it?" 


Just then, footsteps drifted into earshot. Soun appeared in the doorway. He nodded at his youngest daughter as he walked over to sit with the rest of the family. "I've informed him of the arrangement. He agreed to fight with you."

A very large man walked in with a basket of signs on his back. (Name) kept her face even and neutral as she observed her opponent. He was tall and wide, but he didn't look like a fighter. 'He might use dirty tricks to win. I better be careful.' She got into position and watched him closely. He set down his basket and grabbed a fistful of signs before turning to face her. 

Then, as (Name) was advancing, the dojo destroyer's collection of signs began swirling around him, acting as both a deflective weapon and a protective barrier against any attacks. (Name) stopped short and quickly looked around for an opening.

She huffed and muttered to herself, "I'll just have to attack." Then, she jumped up and kicked one of the signs, breaking it in half. That was when she noticed that the signs were nailed together. 'At least I made an opening.' (Name) rolled around to the destroyer's back and threw a few more hits to the other signs as he turned to face her.

Genma said softly to Soun, "She's doing good."

"Yes, she is."

Kasumi nervously clutched her skirt as Nabiki leaned on her shoulder and watched the fight with a calm face. Akane looked down at her casual wear, wishing she had worn her gi so that she could step in and fight in her twin's place. 

Ryoga caught Ranma's arm when he saw the pigtailed boy flinch to get up. "Ranma, wait for her to call you in," he whispered, as not to distract (Name) from her fight.

"I can't just sit here and watch her fight this punk," Ranma whispered back. 

"She's doing great. Don't worry."

(Name) shielded her face and blocked a few signs. Then, she jumped up to kick the dojo destroyer in the face. However, he caught her between two signs to stop her attack. She pushed against the signs, struggling to keep herself from being squished. 

The dojo destroyer stared down at her for a moment before flicking her to the ground. While (Name) was recovering from the sudden blow and trying to get back up, he sent a barrage of signs her way. She jumped and ducked to avoid them, littering the dojo floor with holes where the signs broke through.

'I'm doing good. No, I'm doing great!' (Name) stomped her foot and narrowed her eyes at her opponent. She ran towards him with a loud battle cry. As he swung another sign down, she jumped onto it and ran up his arm. Then, she double-kicked him in the side of the head. 

She didn't have time to celebrate, though, as the destroyer swung back with another sign. (Name) got ready to hit it, but then she saw that it was the Tendo dojo's sign. She grabbed the edge of it and held on tight, completely caught off-guard. "Why would you use our sign as a weapon, dummy?! It's not yours!"

"It will be."

(Name) glared at him before she stomped her heel down hard on the dojo destroyer's wrist, making him release the sign. She landed on the floor and quickly threw the sign toward her father. "Hold onto this!"

Soun grunted as he caught the dojo sign. He pointed back at the challenger and shouted, "(Name), look out!"

"Huh?" She turned back and her eyes widened as she saw the dojo destroyer advancing toward her. (Name) blocked his attacks, but she was beginning to lose stamina. She ducked under his fists and stuck upward, hitting his arm. Once he stepped back from the sudden force, (Name) took a moment to catch her breath.

The dojo destroyer looked down at her and grumbled, "Just give up, girl. Don't embarrass yourself."

"Shut your mouth! You're the one who should give up." (Name) glared angrily at him. She pointed at him and said, "You will be defeated here today. Hyah!" She charged at him with angry fists flying, not caring if she landed any good hits or not; she just wanted, needed, to hit him. 

'She's getting sloppy.' Akane pursed her lips. 'This isn't good.'

(Name) clenched her jaw and grunted in pain as she blocked an attack from above. The destroyer was beginning to use his signs again. She jumped on top of the sign in his right hand and grabbed the one in his left. Then, she smacked him in the face with it.

He paused before smiling at her. Then, he reeled back with the sign the Tendo girl was balanced on and threw her at the wall ahead. (Name) slammed into the wall face first and slid down to the floor.

The family gasped in worry. Ranma flinched to get up again. This time, Ryoga only put his hand out in front of him, waiting to see if (Name) would call him in or not. 

(Name) lifted her face up and felt her nose. It wasn't broken, but it was certainly sore. On top of that, it had begun to bleed a bit. She panted quietly as she turned to face the challenger. She was still on the floor, though, which made the dojo destroyer smile in victory.

"It's over."

Tears built up in (Name)'s eyes. 'No...' She watched as he lifted another sign, ready to throw at her to end the fight. 'I trained so hard.' As the sign spun through the air towards her, she stared at it head-on. "Ruh..."

She didn't even need to finish before Ranma was standing in front of her to block the hit. He grabbed the sign just as it reached him, gripping it with both hands and glaring daggers at the dojo destroyer. "You're gonna fight me now, capiche?"

The dojo destroyer grinned. "Fine. I'm feeling generous today, so I'd take on the whole dojo. After all, I'll be walking away with my 1,000th dojo sign."

"Don't count on it!" Ranma cracked the sign in his hands in half. Then, he turned to (Name) and helped her off of the ground. His eyes widened a bit when he saw the blood on her face. A bruise was forming on the bridge of her nose, as well. "Hey, are you alright? You should have called me before this happened. Y-you should have just let me do it!" He held her face in his hands.

(Name) stared up at him, completely silent. Then, she slowly put her hand over his. "I'm sorry."

"Are we going to fight?" The opponent asked, getting a bit impatient.

Ranma snapped at him, "Just a second!" Then, he calmly said to his fiance, "Now's not the time for sorrys and should-haves. I'll take care of this, okay?" He took a deep breath to steady himself as (Name) walked over to sit with her family. Then, Ranma clenched his fists and turned to face the dojo destroyer.

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