7 - Cute or Uncute, That is the Question

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(Name) sat in her and Akane's room, reading a history book. A strange choice for the young girl, which prompted her twin to ask, "Hey, (Name), what're you reading that for?"

"I'm trying to see if there are any reported events in history of someone being cursed by those springs in China. You know, like what happened to Ranma and his dad."

"I'd think if anyone had this happen to them, they'd keep it to themselves." Akane shrugged. "Imagine the embarrassment!"

Just then, the two girls heard a feminine scream of defiance out in the hallway. (Name) looked up from her book and softly frowned. "Not to mention, the noise..." She slammed it shut and went over to the door. "What's going--!?"

Ranma, who was currently a female, stood by the door in a defensive stance. She was topless, her bare chest completely in view. However, she had a towel around her neck that covered her a bit. 

"Ranma, put a shirt on!" (Name) yelled, blushing in embarrassment.

Nabiki and Kasumi ran down the hall. Nabiki held up a pink dress and glared at Ranma. "Come on, Ranma. The less you struggle, the less it'll hurt."

"No! I told you; I'm not wearing that! I'm a guy!"

(Name) turned to her sister with a confused face. "Why not brutally force him into his own clothes?"

"They're all in the wash," Kasumi clarified. "They won't be ready for him to wear for a while."

Ranma ground her teeth angrily. "That's why I'm gonna stay just like this until they are done! Then, I can take a bath and go back to normal."

"Ranma," (Name) pointed to her closet inside the room, "why don't you just grab something of mine to wear? I have some pants in there that might fit."

"N-no way! I can't wear your clothes! That would be too weird!"

"Then, wear Akane's."

"Hey!" Akane argued. "She can't wear my clothes!"

Ranma shoved past (Name) to glare angrily at Akane. "'She?!' I'm a boy! Boy, boy, boy!" She poked Akane's chest each time she said 'boy,' accenting her point.

"If you've got this settled, (Name), then I'm going back to my room. See ya." Nabiki said, waving to her sister.

Kasumi left, as well, saying, "I'll come get Ranma when his clothes are done."

The black-haired girl swatted Ranma's hand away and crossed her arms. "You look like a girl to me. You're even acting like one! A boy would have no problem covering himself up, especially living in a house full of girls!"

"Grr! Not every guy is big on modesty, y'know!" Ranma yelled, beginning to get frustrated.

"Oh, that's right. A gentleman would cover himself. A silly, little boy would just try to justify his deplorable actions." 

Ranma growled in anger at Akane's smug grin. She turned to (Name) and pointed at Akane. "Are you gonna just let her insult me that way?!"

The (Hair Color)-haired girl shrugged. "I'm not gonna fight your battles for you. Wouldn't a boy be able to handle this himself?" She teased. Ignoring the anger radiating off of the red-haired girl, she grabbed Ranma's hand and led her over to the closet. "There's some overalls in here that me and Akane wear sometimes. You can use those, and finally cover yourself up!"

After giving Ranma the overalls and a small t-shirt to wear underneath them, (Name) returned her attention to her history book. Akane left the room so that Ranma could have some privacy. "Don't change in front of us, pervert!"

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