50 - Ready, Set, Dance!

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(Name) stared at the sign-up sheet that was hung up on the school bulletin board, pen in hand and eyes sparkling. She had been waiting the entire school year for the Competitive Dance Team to open up auditions now that some of their older members had graduated. Now, her time had come.

Akane walked up to her twin and gently reminded her, "You've been standing here for 8 minutes, and Ranma keeps complaining that he wants to go home and eat."

"I need to make sure it's real." She tapped the sign-up sheet with her finger before whispering, "It's real, I'm gonna sign."

"Ha! Why bother?" The sisters looked behind them to see Rida smirking smugly at (Name). "Someone like you doesn't have a chance at getting on the dance team." San leaned out from behind her and laughed behind her hand.

(Name) turned back to the sheet and wrote her name neatly on the first line. She turned back to Rida and said, "I'll let the team captains be the judge of that."

The blonde girl bristled a bit before becoming smug once again. "Very well. I'll let you embarrass yourself in front of everyone. Since I'll be auditioning, you know that all of the boys will be coming to watch me dance."

Akane rolled her eyes. Then, she looked at (Name) with an expression that could only say, 'I am holding back the gates of unbridled Hell.' (Name) gave her a look that said, 'Just leave it.'

Rida shoved them apart and took the pen out of (Name)'s hand. As she signed up for the dance auditions, San asked her, "Hey, Rida, who are you going to get to help you with your audition piece?"

"Hmm..." She spun around with her finger on her chin in thought. Then, she gasped happily in realization. "Oh, I know the perfect person! My mother was a professional ballet dancer when she was younger. She can teach me some good moves to impress the team captains."

Akane glared angrily at Rida while (Name) held her twin's wrist, both comforting her and keeping her from attacking.

"It's so good to have a mother around to teach you all things feminine, isn't it, San?"

San nodded. "I don't know what I'd do without my mother."

Rida chuckled, "And, just imagine how you'd be, only being raised by a father! Tomboyish and uncouth."

(Name) stared down at the floor with a blank expression. Then, she smiled at Akane and said, "Let's go home." She kept the smile on her face until she was certain that Rida and San couldn't see before it immediately vanished.

Akane was the first one to begin venting. "She did that on purpose. 'Tomboyish and uncouth.' I don't know who she thinks she is, but the day she gets knocked off her high horse will be a miracle."

Outside, Ranma was leaning against the gate with his hands in his pockets. He saw Akane and (Name) coming out of the school and was about to complain to them again about how long it took, but he saw that Akane was ranting about something while (Name) was completely silent with a tired expression.

He walked beside them silently before asking (Name), "Do you... wanna talk about what happened? Did they change their minds about auditions?"

(Name) shook her head. "Auditions are on Friday, after school. And, if Rida thinks that she's gonna get away with that, she's dead wrong!" Her eyes hardened with determination before she ran ahead of Ranma and Akane. She waved back at them and yelled, "I've gotta go practice! See you at dinner!"

Ranma frowned. "That's not what I was expecting."

"We're gonna have to check in on her every now and again." Akane crossed her arms. "I could tell by the look in her eyes. She's gonna spend every moment she can practicing."

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