47 - Into the Woods

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"Let... go...!"

"No way... Ranma...!"

Mr. Saotome yelled at them, "Boys, that's enough!"

Ranma and Ryoga were currently grappling with each other in the doorway, trying to simultaneously keep the other from going out the door and trying to beat the other to it. Ryoga shoved Ranma by the face while Ranma was elbowing him in the ribs.

Behind them, Soun watched in confusion. "What is this?"

Genma crossed his arms. "Ranma and I were planning on going to the mountains to train, but Ryoga heard about it and now he wants to go, too."

"I'm not going to let Ranma get stronger than me!"

"Too late, pork chop!"

Soun hummed in thought. "Mountain training, huh? Well, you're going to need someone to go with you to cook, Saotome. And, wouldn't it be a shame to separate a near-married couple?" He turned toward the stairs and called, "(Name)!"


"Come here, please." Soun smiled at his daughter and put his hands on her shoulders. "How would you like to go on a quick little vacation with Genma and Ranma, hm?"

(Name) squinted her eyes. "What? Where are they going?"

Ranma dragged his rival by the bandana back inside and went over to them. "Forget it! This is a training trip, not a luxury cruise!"

"Well, who says that I can't go? Maybe I want to train, too!" She pouted at him defiantly.

He scoffed. "Hate to break it to you, but your dad wants you to come along as a cook."

(Name) crossed her arms, continuing to stare at Ranma. "So? I can cook and train."

"The mountains and woods are no place for a girl. Aren'tcha worried about crawly bugs and scary bears?" He teased her, grinning.

"Oh, that's a washed-up excuse!" (Name) went back upstairs, declaring, "I'm going to pack right now! I'll show you!"

Ranma ran to the bottom of the stairs and yelled up at her, "That wasn't a challenge!" He grumbled quietly and slapped his hand over his face. 'Great, more fodder for Ryoga --'

Ryoga popped up and said, "Now I have no choice but to go! I can't leave you alone in the woods with (Name). As her guardian, I must be there at all times to protect her from lecherous advances."

Turning red from embarrassment and anger, Ranma shouted at him, "No one's advancing on anyone!"

Akane came inside from her daily run around the block and looked around at everyone. "What's all this about? You guys going somewhere?"

Ryoga looked at Akane sadly. 'Akane... I hadn't realized I'd be leaving her here alone for 4 days...' He grabbed one of her hands in his and gave her an imploring look. "F-forgive me, Akane, but duty bounds me to leave you for a while. (Name) is accompanying Ranma and his father on a training trip, and I must protect her from danger!"

"Wait, what?" Akane looked at her father. "Dad, is that true?"

Soun nodded. "Of course. What better way for her to get in some bridal training than cooking meals for her future husband?" Suddenly, (Name)'s sleeping bag fell onto Soun's head.

(Name) came down the stairs and muttered, "Sorry, Papa... That was an accident, but you deserved it for what you said. This is not bridal training!"

"Can I go, too?" Everyone turned to look at Akane. She pointed out, "It's not fair to leave all of the cooking to (Name). She's gonna be cooking for 4 people."

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