37 - Meow, Meow, Cat-Fist!

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Once morning struck, Genma told Soun, Akane, and Kasumi all about Ranma's fear of cats.

Akane blinked, confused. "Ailurophobia?"

"Yes. It was the Cat-Fu training that Ranma endured as a child that did it." Genma explained, "It seemed so simple: Wrap the trainee in fish sausage and drop him into a pit of hungry cats." He rubbed his eyes in thought. "Now, my son turns into a sniveling coward whenever he comes across a feline. How could things have backfired so tremendously?"

Ranma hit his father over the back of the head and complained, "What isn't traumatizing about that?! Those gnarly-toothed beasts tried to eat me alive! I was only 10 when you made the first of many mistakes involving my training!"

"So, then, will you be able to defeat Mao Mo Lin?" Akane asked.

Soun interjected before Ranma could answer. "Of course, he can! He can and he will! He has to, for (Name)'s sake."

Ranma glared at him. "Hey! Don't speak for me!" 

"Then, are you saying you can't?!" Akane questioned, slamming her hands on the table.

"What am I supposed to say?! If it's a cat, I'll... I'll freeze up like a weakling. If it could just stay inside of its stupid bell, then I'd be able to defeat him!"

Kasumi smiled sympathetically at him. "Ranma, don't worry. I'm sure you'll be able to overcome your fear."

Meanwhile, upstairs, Ryoga and Shampoo were looking after (Name). Her cold had gotten worse from the night air and all the excitement of a ghost cat. As Ryoga carefully jimmied a pair of scissors underneath the cord of the bell choker, Shampoo muttered guiltily, "Shampoo feel awful. This all because Shampoo bring Mao Mo Lin bell."

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. You didn't know." Ryoga tried to cut the bell off, but the scissors crumbled into pieces. He stared at it in disbelief before groaning, "I just hope that we can keep that monster away from her."

"Shampoo help best she can!"

As night fell, a cold chill swept through Nerima. Shampoo stood guard outside of (Name)'s bedroom while Ryoga looked after her within the room. Akane was dressed in her gi, prepared to help Ranma defend against the ghost cat. She put her hand on Ranma's shoulder, "Are you ready?"

Ranma frowned nervously. "As ready as I can be."

"Just imagine he's something else, and you can fight him."

"It's kinda hard to pretend a giant cat isn't a giant cat."

Soun looked toward the garden wall. His face tensed as he said, "It's here."

Genma grabbed his son by the shoulders. "Still your nerves now, boy. It's time for you to act like the man you always claim to be. Who cares if your opponent is the one thing you fear most in life? For your fiance, you'll face anything!"

"You're not helping!" Ranma shouted at him. A drawn-out yowl drifted within earshot of the Tendo house. Just at the sound of a feline, Ranma's body got tense. He whispered to himself, "It's just a ghost, it's just a ghost. Ghosts aren't scary."

However, as the ghost cat came into view, stepping over the wall, Ranma began to shake in fear again. Genma took notice of this and shoved his son out onto the grass. "Stay strong, son!"

Mao Mo Lin growled at the shivering young man in front of him. He began to circle him as he offered, "I'll give you a chance to save yourself, Ranma Saotome. Give me my bride, and I'll be on my way."

Ranma closed his eyes and tried to pretend that Mao Mo Lin was a normal human ghost. But, no matter how hard he thought, he could just sense the cat circling him, trapping him in one spot. He clenched his fists and shook his head, not trusting his voice to work.

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