24 - Who's That Pervert in the Window?

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Author's Note: This chapter has been under a lot of revisions and construction because of how I'm trying to incorporate the Cat-fu arch into this story. I had already worked out how it would go, so I just had to work Happosai into it since I introduced him now. It'll run smoothly soon.

At school, it was hard for Ranma to actually focus on his work. He was still annoyed with Happosai about the whole bra incident, and he was sure that the old man would be ready to fight him as soon as he got back to the Tendo house. He looked toward the front of the classroom before something caught his eye in the window close to (Name).

A quick flash of light and a gentle click noise.

'Huh? What was that?' Ranma looked out the window, but he didn't see anything. He frowned in concern. 'That sounded like a camera. Did... Did someone take a picture of (Name)?'

"Okay, students, now I want you all to read chapters 4 through 6, okay? 5 and 6 are relatively short, so don't start whining." Just as the teacher finished, the bell rang. "Have a wonderful day, everyone."

The students began to get out of their seats and go all about, talking with friends or finishing school business. Ranma ran right over to the window, scaring (Name) a bit as he passed her. "What are you doing?" She stood next to him and looked out the window with him.

"You didn't see that light?" He asked, looking around at the people walking in the schoolyard. As he opened the window, he told her, "It looked like a camera."

"Hm? A camera? Don't be ridiculous; how would someone be taking pictures from outside the window? This is the second floor!"

"It's got to be that Happosai!" Ranma smacked his fist into his palm in realization. "That pervert's got another thing coming!" He jumped out of the window, determined to find Happosai.

"Ranma!" (Name) leaned out the window and watched him run around, looking in every crevice for the dirty old man. She sighed before turning away from the window and grabbing her things. 

Akane went over to her twin and asked, "Did Ranma just jump out of the window?"

"Uh-huh. He's sure that Mr. Happosai is here with a camera or something."

"Well, if he is here, don't you think he'd be down at the girls' locker room to take pictures?"

(Name) paused as she thought it over. "Maybe. But, then, what did Ranma see?"

"He's probably just a bit paranoid because of Happosai asking him to wear a bra for him." Akane shrugged. "Let's just go find him and get back home."

Ranma lifted up the lid of the dumpster behind the school building. "Where are you, y' old goat?!" He growled as he rooted through the trash. 'I know he's here somewhere! I'll dig through every trashcan in the building if I have to!'

Above him, an amused voice said, "Well, now, what's my pupil doing, digging around in a dumpster?"

Ranma ground his teeth a little, clenching his fist. "Looking for you, you creep!" He threw his fist up, but Happosai hopped out of the way just in time. "Where's that camera?! C'mon, give it here!"

"Hmm? Camera?" Happosai smoked on his pipe. "What camera are you talking about? Wha- Hey!" Ranma picked him up by the legs and shook him until everything he was holding fell out of his pockets. Some money, a scroll, a pair of underwear, the bra from earlier... but, no camera.

Ranma dropped the old man on the ground. 'No way. He doesn't have it?' "Then, who has it?" He hummed in thought as Happosai angrily gathered up his items, grumbling.

"Ranma, that's no way to treat your master!"

"You aren't my master!"

The old man glared at Ranma. "If you continue with this impertinence, I'll have no choice but to exact my wrath on you."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll deal with you later, old man." Ranma started to run off, but Happosai jumped in front of him to stop him.

"Just what is this all about, Ranma?"

"None of your business." He ran around him, trying to leave again. However, Happosai tripped Ranma with his pipe. He dumped some of the ashes from it as his pupil got up and glared at him. "I've got something to do, old man."

"And, I'm offering to help, if you'd listen to me for a moment."

Ranma shook his head. "No way. I don't trust you as far as I can throw you. Why would you want to help me, anyway?"

"To gain your trust." Happosai said. "Ranma, let me be honest. I see potential in you, potential that will be wasted without the proper training. I know we've had a bit of a rocky start, but if you're going to take over the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts, I need you to trust me to make you the best." He held his hand out to shake, "So, will you let me teach you?"

Ranma frowned. Despite how Happosai had acted the day before, he seemed to be a skilled fighter. He also seemed to sincerely want to teach him, and he had made some reasonable points. 

The pig-tailed boy hesitantly stuck his hand out. "This doesn't mean that I'll trust you... but, I'll accept your help."

Happosai grinned brightly before holding up the bra. "Good! Then, Lesson 1: put this on!"

Ranma whacked him on the head, growling out angrily, "Oh, forget it!"

"Ow, ow! I was just joking!"

Meanwhile, Akane and (Name) were met outside of the school building by Ryoga. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

(Name) ran up to him and grinned. "Hey, Ryoga. I'm glad to see you're up and alert now."

He smiled at her before looking around nervously. "W-where's Nabiki?"

Akane raised her eyebrow at him. "Nabiki? What do you need Nabiki for?"

Ryoga blushed a bright pink before shaking his head. "Oh, it's nothing, Akane, really!" 'Nothing but my innermost feelings caught on tape!'

Just then, Nabiki Tendo came out of the school with a sly grin on her face. "Well, hello, Ryoga. Fancy seeing you here."

He ran over to her. "Uh-huh. C-could I have t-that tape recorder? Please?"

Nabiki grinned innocently at him. "What are you talking about?"

"Kasumi told me what happened this morning." He held his hand out for the tape recorder. "Now, why not just give it to me so I can delete the recording?"

"Oh, sorry, Ryoga, but I need it. Don't worry, though. Your confession is safe in my hands." Nabiki smirked.

But, Ryoga knew better than to believe her. "How can I be sure you won't let Akane hear it?"

The brunette girl feigned realization. "Let Akane hear it! That's a great idea; thanks!" She pretended to start after her younger sisters.

"No, no, stop!" Ryoga got in front of her and held his arms out to stop her. "She can't!"

"Why? My dad is trying to get you two engaged, anyway, so you might as well tell her." She side-stepped him with a grin on her face.

The entire world around Ryoga stopped. He almost stopped breathing. "Eng... engaged?" His face turned red. Then, he began imagining himself and Akane, standing at the alter. Holding hands, smiling lovingly at each other, slowly leaning in for the kiss that would make them husband and wife. "Akane and I..." He started to sway a bit, and then he fell on his back, unconscious.

All three girls heard him fall and ran to his aid. Akane gently hit his face to try and wake him up. "Ryoga? Are you okay?"

"Nabiki, what happened?" (Name) asked.

Nabiki chuckled. "I suppose he wasn't ready for such happy news."

On the ground, Ryoga mumbled incoherently in a happy tone. 'Akane and I... Engaged...'

Engaged to Ranma (Ranma x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now