64 - Green: the Color of Love

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Ryoga stared down at the sign that had been posted in the middle of the road. 'Turn back around, piggy. Town road ends here. - Ranma' He groaned under his breath before turning around and looking for the shop he needed. 'If I'm going to become a real man, I need to be able to find my own way around town, at least.' He clenched his fist angrily as he muttered, "Ranma's little signs aren't very helpful."

He pat his pockets to double-check that he had the money he needed before he found himself in front of another sign. This sign had a map drawn onto it, along with the message 'Be careful, Ryoga! - (Name)' Ryoga grinned a little as he shook his head and turned to go down the street. However, before he left, he took a quick glance at the map. "After all, she's just trying to help."

Finally, Ryoga was able to get to the shop. He looked between two different color variants of the hair clip he was looking at; yellow and pink. The bandana-wearing boy held his chin in thought, scrutinizing the two clips carefully. 'Pink is the color of young love and romance... But, yellow is a more versatile color...' 

Just then, the thought crossed his mind. 'Does Akane even like hair clips?' Ryoga immediately dropped them back into the bin they were in and ran over to look at hair ribbons. 'I've seen her wear ribbons before! But, she has them already! She doesn't need more!'

He began to sweat nervously. 'Okay, settle down, Ryoga,' he told himself. 'Think about something Akane would like. She's a martial artist... she's pretty... she's really pretty.' He lost focus and smiled goofily at the thought of his girlfriend. Then, Ryoga started smacking his cheeks to regain his senses. 'No! Focus on the gift! You can see her cute face later!'

"Hey, Kimi," Ryoga heard the shop clerk greet one of the customers that had just walked in. "School out already?"

"Yep. I got over here as fast as I could."

"What? School's out?!" Ryoga looked at the clock on the shop wall and saw that it indeed was the end of the school day. He paled before quickly grabbing a handful of things, leaving the money for it on the counter, and running off toward Furinkan High School. "I can't be late! I'm supposed to walk Akane home!"

At Furinkan High, Ranma stretched his arms up above his head before folding them behind his head as he walked down the stairs toward the front door. "What a boring day."

A couple of girls walked by him, giggling amongst themselves. One of them asked, "So, did you write him a letter yet?"

"As if! He'd never read it if he knew it was from me."

"Then, just leave it unsigned. Oh, and write it in green ink."

"Green ink?"

Ranma had the same question in mind. 'Green ink?'

The girl nodded. "Green is the color of love, after all."

"You mean, luck. As in, it'll boost her luck of him accepting her confession if she uses green ink."

By then, the girls were out of earshot. Ranma put his hands in his pockets as he muttered quietly to himself, "How ridiculous. What difference will the ink make in some silly love letter?"

He nearly ran into (Name) as she ran up to him as he got outside. She smiled up at him. "What took you so long? Dozing off again?"

Ranma looked off to the side. "No. Besides, school just ended a little while ago. You couldn't have been waiting for too long."

"Well, you always seem in such a rush to leave school, I was worried something was wrong." (Name) bumped his arm playfully, and then smiled cutely at him. "Not that I mind waiting for you."

He blushed a little before clearing his throat and saying, "Well, let's just go-- "


They turned around to look for the source of the yell. (Name) looked up at the top of the school building as she wondered aloud, "Was that Ryoga?" 

Akane, who was waiting by the front gate, saw Ryoga running along the roof of the high school and her eyes widened in surprise. He was messing with something in his hands, but he was too far away for her to see what it was. Ryoga jumped down into the schoolyard and ran up to her, panting only slightly from the exertion. "I-I came to walk you home from school today... I hope you don't mind." He hid his project behind his back.

She smiled sweetly at him. "Thank you, Ryoga. But, you don't have to do this every day, y' know."

He held her hand and gave her a big grin. "But, I like to. I was only late today because, well..." Ryoga revealed what was in his other hand; a pink hair ribbon somewhat sloppily crafted onto a yellow hair clip.

Akane tilted her head curiously toward him as a smile slowly spread across her face. "Did you make this for me?"

"Y-yeah," he rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry that it's so last-minute and messy. I wanted to surprise you with it, but I lost track of time."

She poked his nose. "Any gift from you is greatly appreciated, Ryoga. I really like it."

While the group walked home, (Name) couldn't help but be a little jealous of her sister and guardian's relationship. They were so openly affectionate with one another. Meanwhile, any displays of affection she got from Ranma seemed to happen by accident. 'We held hands once or twice, and I've kissed him on the forehead. But, other than that...' She glanced over at him, pouting slightly. 'You said before that you liked me... Did you just mean platonically? What even are we to each other?!'

Ranma felt eyes on him and turned his head to look at (Name). "Hm?"

She quickly looked down and away from him, a bit flushed in the face from being caught. She was worried she had accidentally spoken her thoughts out loud.

He frowned. 'What the heck was that about?' Ranma moved around to her other side and leaned down to look at her face. He put on a smile when she met his eyes and asked her, "What's on your mind, huh?"

(Name) tried her best to smile convincingly, but her emotions still shone through. "Don't worry about it, Ranma. I'm just overthinking."


She pursed her lips in worry. 'Well... he asked.' (Name) took a little breath to steady herself, and then asked him, "What am I to you?"

Ranma blinked, not expecting to be immediately stumped by such a seemingly easy question. 'What does that mean? What brought this up? I mean, she's... she's...' He swallowed, noticing how dry his mouth had become. "W-well... I -- we're -- "

His pigtail stood on end as he watched her deflate a little, frowning and slumping her shoulders. (Name) told him, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that."

"W-wait! I just --"

"You don't have to answer. I was just curious." As they reached the house, she reached to put her hand on his shoulder but decided against it. (Name) looked him in the eye, speaking honestly. "I'm not upset, really. Don't even worry about it, Ranma."

As she walked toward the door, (Name) squeezed her arm tightly and pursed her lips. 'How selfish am I?! We're not even together by choice, and I'm demanding answers from him like that?!'

He watched her go inside with a perplexed expression. The further away she got, the heavier his heart became. 'What kind of man am I? Can't even get my words right!' He growled in frustration, scratching his hair all around. Then, he thought back to the conversation he had overheard in the stairways at school.

"Leave it unsigned... Write it in green ink..."

Ranma grinned to himself as he ran inside the house. 'Just give me til the end of the day, (Name). I'll tell you exactly what you are to me.'

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