You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (8)

Start from the beginning

He stiffened not liking the thought of someone dragging me anywhere. "right well next time call out for help. Not pummel the guy to the ground. What if he hurt you?"

I laughed. "like that would happen you do know I'm a black belt in three different martial arts. I could give you a lesson if you like." I said making the last bit sound like I was suggesting something else. I smiled up at him.

"i'm serious Harley. What if he wasn't drunk and was stronger then you thought? Next time call out for help. Or walk them to the door and let me know then. I'll sort them out for you."

"where's the fun in that? Any way guy's like that need to know that girls can take care of themselves. He needed to be taught a lesson." I said looking innocent.

"fine. But I mean it next time tell me. I'll let you take care of them with me around in case something does happen. Okay?"

"what if your not around?"

"then tell Gary. Or who ever is on door."

I nodded. "okay. If it will make you happy." I sighed loudly. "can I go now?" I asked feeling like a naughty kid in school again.

He stepped out of my way.

The guys had all come up to see what the commotion was. Tom spotted me and ran up to me. "oh my god, you missed this guy getting flipped by some chick. Apparently it was awesome."

I sniggered. "I know, felt pretty good doing it." I told him.

"that was you? Should have known really." he shook his head amused. "they said it was some hot chick in a red top." he put his arm around my shoulder as we walked over the rest of the guys.

"where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you." Greg said annoyed.

"With Jace. He had to pull me off that dimwit." I said pointing to the guy that was now being hauled out of the door by Jace.

"that was you!.... Harley!" he said disappointed. "what if you got hurt?"

"I didn't."

"but what if you did."

"but I didn't."

"but wha.."

I cut him off "no buts or what ifs. I didn't, so stop worrying. I've already been told off by Jace I don't wanna hear it from you as well okay" I said annoyed. He of all people should know that I can handle myself better then any one of them.

Shaun came up to us, he had been out side. Probably to find out what happened, he's such a gossip queen. "remind me never to get on your bad side" he said snaking an arm around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

"i take it Jace told you then?"

"yeah he's pretty pissed that we weren't around to help you. Apparently we need to take better care of you." he said to the guys.

The all nodded their head in agreement I let out a frustrated groan. "i can deal with twit's like him all by myself. I don't need you lot to be my body guards seriously!" I moaned at them all.

They all started to protest, talking all at once, saying how they should have been around. How I should be more careful and crap like that. I mean come on. I'm fine, and I could do it again easily if I needed to.

"can we go dance now?" I said bored with them all talking about me like I wasn't there.

"now you want to dance?" Shaun purred in my ear.

I rolled my eyes. "yes, you coming or should I find another dance partner?" I warned.

I walked away from the guys, they all followed me. Probably to warn of any other guys that thought they could have me when I didn't want them.

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