Part 71

471 22 8

*next day*

Hensley pov

I walked into Bryson, carrying Harley bags on my back as Bryson carried Harley in his arms.
The whole way home Bryson was holding Harley in his arms and wouldn't stop kissing his cheeks.
I just laughed.
But when I get the chance I'm going to do the same.
Because we almost lost her.

Harley:too many kisses daddy(giggles)

Bryson:you can never get too many (tickles Harley)

Harley:save some kisses for mommy

As she said that I laughed.
Bryson then looked at me, smirking.

Bryson:trust me....mommy has gotten plenty of kisses on her lips....but not the ones on her face(laughs)

I hit Bryson hard on his shoulder.
Harley looked at him confused.
But I laughed a little bit mainly because she didn't know what he was talking about.

Bryson let Harley down and she ran into the living room to get her toys.

Hensley:your a child(laughs)

Bryson:shit atleast you got two children to love then(smiles like a kid)

I just rolled my eyes.

Hensley:so what you planning on doing while I'm it of town?

Bryson:nun...I canceled everything to the studio,interviews, and hanging with the boys to watch Harley.... going to spend some time with my little one

I smiled.

Hensley:wish I could stay(pouts)

Bryson:nah, you just worry about your auditions....I got Harley

Hensley:I's just bittersweet knowing my mom won't even be there to support me...she has to do something with derek(rolls eyes)

Bryson:damn she not coming?

I shook my head no.

Hensley:nah....but just watch after my baby please

Bryson put his hands on his chest.

Bryson:I got thisssss(grins)

I looked into the living room at Harley.
She had chocolate icing all on her face.
She looked at me, and cheesed wildly with chocolate all on her teeth.

Hensley:does it look like you got it?(point to Harley)

Bryson:Harley we do that when mommy leaves not while she's here

I laughed.
Bryson walked into the living room to clean Harley up.
I just smiled....these are the days I live for....

Bryson pov

Quees:I'm glad little bit ok...I was about to be broken(smiles at Harley)

Bryson:I know....I don't know why I'll do without her (looks at Harley)

Right now Quees, tae, and peanut was over visiting Harley but she was sleeping on the couch the album?

Bryson:shit...I can't think of nothing and I barely have time to go in there because Naomi always up my back

Quees:why you still with that girl B(laughs)

Peanut:right...the only reason she asking you to stay around is because she "claims" to be pregnant

Bryson:what you mean "claims"(laugh) she is

Quees: no that's what you think...Bryson it's been almost a month since she told you she was 4 weeks, which means she should atleast be going to doctor appointments, and all that shit...

Peanut: to be honest I think she lying...I mean has she ever even mentioning going to the doctor?

As they said that I just sat back thinking.
She never did mention a doctor visit to me....


I heard the door slam.
I stood up, walking down the hallway to see Naomi walking in with bags of shopping stuff.

Bryson: the fuck you slam the door floor you know Harley sleeping(mad)

Naomi:(rolls eyes) do busy with your old family you can't even handle your new one...I told you I had a photo shoot and I wanted you to be there to support me

Bryson:photo shoot of what?

Naomi: for the cover of time magazine

I rolled my eyes.

Bryson:ion give a fuck about that shit

I walked back into the kitchen to finish making dinner for Harley.

Naomi:you never spend time with me anymore(mad) all you do is hang with Harley this and Harley that (mad)

Bryson:BECAUSE SHES MY FUCKING DAUGHTER....but I would expect you to know anything about being a parent(mad)

Naomi stepped back, and looked at me.

Naomi: what are you talking about?(mad)

Bryson: you not pregnant are you?(mad)

Naomi:baby of course I am...why would you say that?

Bryson:then make a doctors visit...and lets go and see together...because lately,you been acting real shady...and Ima find out

I walked out the kitchen.
I was tired of people lying to me.
But the truth will come to the light...

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