Part 70

431 21 6

Hensley pov

I ran into the hospital room, and automatically headed to the hospital desk.
Autumn,Hazel, Teyana, tae,Quees, Bryson grandma, and peanut was behind me.

Hensley: Hi I'm looking for Lauren Matthews and Harley tiller?(panicking)

Lady:I'm sorry but Harley is in the emergency room but Lauren is in the waiting room

Hensley:I need to see my daughter(crying)

Lady:like I said you can't I'm sorry ma'am

Hensley:what do you mean I can't?(mad) she's my fucking daughter -

Peanut grabbed me and motioned me to clam down.'s going to be ok Hensley...

I nodded.
We walked into the waiting room, where I saw Lauren.

Lauren:I'm so sorry I left the room for one minute(crying)

Hensley:what happened?(confused)

Lauren:she was running a fever like you said, so I turned the thermometer to cool temperature the doctor told me it would calm her....the door bell rung and this lady said she was a friend of yours and wanted to drop Harley off a I said I would call and ask if it is ok but she said I shouldn't bother you at I sent her up and I was making Harley tea so I went to make it and then when I went upstairs the girl was gone and I walked over to Harley and she wasn't breathing (crying) I'm sorry

I was confused.

Hensley:who was the girl?

Lauren:she didn't tell me her name but I know what she looks like

I was so confused to who would even come to my house and do that to her .
But I will kill the bitch when I find out.
I sat down in one of the waiting room chairs and just laid my head back on the wall.
I was just waiting to see if my baby was ok....I can't loose her, I can't.
As I was waiting for what seemed like hours, Bryson rushed into the waiting room.
All of us stood up.

Bryson:where's Harley?? Where is she?(panicking)

Hensley:she's in the emergency room(sniffles)

He nodded.
I saw Naomi walk into the waiting room behind him, and I then heard Lauren gasp.
I looked at her confused,  and I saw she was staring at Naomi like she seen a ghost.
I looked at Naomi then back at Lauren.

Hensley:what's wrong?

Lauren hesitated, but shook her head.


I knew something was going on, but I just kept my mouth shut....

Bryson pov

*3 hours later*

We all stood up when the doctor walked into the waiting room.

Doctor:Mr.and Mrs. tiller

Me and Hensley stepped up.

Hensley:is my baby ok??

Doctor:she suffered from a breathing mechanism and heat

Bryson:what does that mean?

Doctor: means that she was sick, and instead of keeping the house air on cool, it was on 90 so that raised the heat in Harley body to rise causing air to not  into her brain and someone put a pillow over her face to make the process quicker...but she's strong, she made it....but we're going to keep her overnight just to make sure

I took a sigh of relief when they told me she was ok.
The doctor walked away.

Bryson:thank y'all for coming....I'll stay here with her, y'all can go

Peanut:you sure B??

I nodded.
I dapped all my boys up, followed by a kiss by my grandma.

Hensley:Ima stay here to, I'll see y'all tomorrow

We hugged everybody goodbye before hey left.

Naomi:  I have work in the morning and a interview so I can't stay

Bryson:but this is my daughter? You won't stay for that?

Naomi: she's not my child besides Hensley here

I looked at Hensley who rolled her eyes.
I just shook my head .


Naomi:don't be like that babe

Naomi tried to kiss me but I pushed her away.
I just walked away from her....

Hensley pov

I sat in the chair on Harley hospital bedside, holding her hand.
I was shedding tear after tear just in thought about how I almost lost my baby.
Everything that I been going through I ah entered thought about how important family is and less important  all the B.s is.
I heard footsteps, and I looked to see Bryson.
I smiled at him.


Bryson:how she doing??

Hensley:good...she woke up a couple times but I just told her to go back to sleep.....Bryson?

Bryson looked at me.


Hensley:I'm sorry for everything that I've put you through.....I just realized family is the most important thing anybody could have and I need to stop taking it for granted....I love you

Bryson smiled.

Bryson:listen....I'm not going no where and I'm never leaving you and Harley....I got you

I smiled.

Hensley: I'm not even going to my auditions cause I rather be here with her

Bryson:nah....Harley would want you to go,she lives seeing you dance like those Disney princesses she likes(laughs) besides I'll watch her

Hensley:it's all the way in New York though ....I'll be gone for 2 days

Bryson:and? You better go...

Hensley:your so amazing bryson(laughs) I laid my head on Bryson shoulder.

Bryson:you are to...

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