Part 60

481 18 12

Hensley pov

*Next day*

I was sitting on the sand, looking out into the ocean.
I wanted nothing but peace and quiet, so I. Some out here.
We was leaving for our flight in 2 hours so I decided why not come enjoy the beach one last time.
This whole trip made me realize a lot of things.
Me being with chance, and how he changed....and made me gain my bestfriend back.
I'm not gone lie I missed Bryson like crazy, and to have him back by my side was so amazing.
I just wished Chance treated me, the way Bryson would.
Chance changed a lot in the pass days,showing his true colors.
And I don't like them at all.
Chance isn't who I met , and I decided when we get home to break it off.
Bryson was right, I deserve better..I need better.
But what if my better, is Bryson??

Bryson:I was looking for you(laughs) that big ass house thought you got lost
I turned around to see Bryson walking on the beach.
I smiled.

Hensley:what you doing here??

Bryson:Naomi booked our flight early so we heading back in 1 hour....but I was saying goodbye to everybody couldn't leave you hanging

Bryson sat down next to me.

Hensley:well I'm glad you didnt(smiled)

Me and Bryson both got quiet.
But eventually Bryson broke the silence. gone leave dude huh??

Hensley:yea....can't let him keep doing that shit to me....but Bryson he's a good person, you just don't know him like I do

I saw Bryson chuckle, as if I said something funny.
Bryson looked at me.

Bryson:listen....I don't care what you do, just always remember you worth a lot more than that nigga treats you

Hensley:well what was I worth to you?? Cause you treated me as if I didn't matter to you no more

Bryson:(sighs) you will always matter to me....I fucked up....I always fuck up....I don't care if you remember the negative is what we had but remember this....I always loved you.

I smiled and laid my head on Bryson shoulder.

Hensley:I'll always love you to....

Bryson:nah, I love you more


We both laughed.
Bryson phone started ringing.
Bryson pulled his cell out his pocket, and looked at the screen.


Bryson answered it.

Bryson:hey baby....

As he said baby, I knew it was Naomi.
I sat up and rolled my eyes.

Bryson:yes I'm coming now.....ok baby......ok

He hung the phone up.

Hensley:got to go huh?

Bryson nodded.

We both stood up from the sand.
Bryson grabbed me, pulling me into a hug.
The hug lasted for what seemed like hours.
I haven't felt Bryson's touch in so long, I forgot how it was to be held by a man.
I just smiled during the hug, happy I got my bestfriend back....

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