Part 69

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*next week*

Hensley pov

Hensley:ok remember to feed Harley in about a hour, and make sure she stays in bed ok?

Lauren: don't worry Hensley, I got her(laughs)

Right now I was at rehearsal for my auditions for broadway in 2 days.
I been so busy lately that Bryson hired a baby sitter to help me out, Lauren.
Lauren is so sweet and nice but I don't trust her all the way yet.
That's why I cal every hour to make sure Harley is straight.
I hung the phone up.

Costello:ok ladies get off your phones and make your way onto the dance floor...we have 2 days to practice for these auditions and I expect every single one of you to try your very lets go

I put my phone into my bag and headed to the dance floor...

*2 hours later*

Hensley:I'm exhausted (wipes towel across sweat)

Costello: well that means your practicing is paying off(laughs) have a nice day, see you tommorow

I nodded.
I picked my bag up off the floor and immediately heard my phone ringing.
But it stopped.
I turned my screen on to see I had 7 missed calls from Lauren.
I quickly called her back, concerned to what was going on.


Lauren:I'm sorry Hensley but I came upstairs and Harley wasn't breathing(crying) were at the hospital

As she said that my heart dropped.
Tears rushed to my eyes.

Hensley:I'm on my way...

I quickly headed out the building, scared of what was to come...

Bryson pov

I laid down next to Naomi, blowing on my blunt.
She laid naked, next to me as her head was on my chest. you love me?

As she said that I looked down at her...


Naomi:just asking....I just want to make sure that with our new family things will be good...just you and me

Bryson: I love you and the baby but Harley is my baby to...and I love her also...

Naomi sat up on the bed, making a sigh.


Naomi: you spend so much time with Harley and Hensley and never time with me and your unborn child....why?(mad)

Bryson:why? Because Harley is my first priority to...Hensley is just there because she's her mother and also my bestfriend...if you don't understand that then I'm sorry (shrugs shoulders)

I pushed the blankets off me and sat on the side of the bed.

Naomi:I just want you all to myself...nobody but us

Naomi put her arms around my body from behind.

Bryson:look, their my family to....only way to keep them from me is if they are taken from me, and that ain't gone happen

I don't care what nobody say, I'll take one for Hensley and Harley.
They are my life, and if anybody want me to stay away from them they gone have to take them from me.
And trust me they won't win.
Me and Naomi kept bickering back  and forth till my house phone rung.
I made a huge sigh and got up off the bed.
I headed over to my desk on the other side of the room where the phone sat at, and answered it.


Quees: Bryson where you at?(crying)

When I heard tears in Quees eyes I knew something was serious.

Bryson:home...what's wrong?(confused)

Quees:it's Harley.....she passed out and wasn't breathing....hurry to the hospital

I dropped the phone, frozen.
I couldn't believe what Quees just told me.
I hurried and started putting on my things .

Naomi:baby what's wrong?(confused)

I ignored her, and just kept hurrying up.
Naomi didn't ask no more questions, she just got dressed along with me.
All I knew was I needed to be their for my baby....god please don't take my baby...

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