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Quick Authors note:
Guys!! Check out my book #PYD - I'll be posting there regularly as well as this one! Please comment and vote on it! Can we get it to 1K today?

Thank you! Xo


Justin's P.O.V

Last night was calm. We spent the night together, we ordered food and I fed her chocolate covered strawberries as she laughed at my cheesy chat up lines. Then we had a cuddling session and we fell asleep in each others arms. I love her. More than I can explain.

This morning, I woke up first. I noticed her sleeping angelically next to me so I brushed my fingers over her left cheek admiring my fiancé. She fluttered her eyelashes and smiled at me.

"Morning Jay!" She said weakly. I leaned in and kissed her lips as I whispered:

"Good morning beautiful."

Her cute dimples shot out of her cheeks as she smiled widely.

"What do you want to do today?" She asked.

"Let's share the news babe... I'm sure your mother in law will be happy." I winked at her as she giggled.

"Oh babe, your giggle lights up my world."

She shuffled closer to me as I face timed my mom. She picked up right away and was her usual cheerful self which I adored about her.

"Hey PATTIIEEEEEE!" YN squealed. I laughed and greeted my mom too.

"How are you guys? Are you having fun?" Mom questioned.

We sat there talking for hours and finally the time came.

"So mom..I've got something to tell you."

Her eyes widened as she raised an eyebrow.

"I'm gonna fly you out here! And the others!"

My mom immediately gasped and cheered with happiness.. But then she stopped and said.

"But I thought this was your alone time with YN?"

I nodded and so did YN then we looked at each other and I turned back to my mom.

" yeah... When our vacation is over.. We'll extend it. For you guys!"

"That's great! I'm so excited!!!" She cheered once again.

I love my mom. She's my hero.

YN's P.O.V

So Justin failed in telling his mom. Instead he planned a trip for them... Maybe we can have our wedding out here in Hawaii.

Sitting on my bed alone, I unlocked my iPad and searched up wedding dresses. They were all so pretty so I ordered a few to try on. I wanted a big Fairytale wedding that I'll always remember every detail of. I want professional pictures and videos made as wedding montages. It will be perfect.

Then I decided to call up a place where we could hold the wedding. Justin was talking about it non stop earlier.

It had a nice design. White and red roses scattered around the place and it looked like a castle. I could have a Cinderella inspired wedding. I can't believe I'm getting married. I'm so excited.

I picked up my phone to call my mom. She had to be here as well as everyone else. Too had I won't have my dad to walk me down the aisle because he's a traveller and his schedule is strictly planned out. But that's okay. My mom can.

She picked up right away.

"YN! Please come back! I miss you so much!!"

"So why didn't you even bother calling?"


"Anyway mom.. Erm... I have some news."

"You're not pregnant are you?"

"No of course not haha"

"I wouldn't be surprised!"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Did my mom just call me a slut?

"Nothing haha."

"Well... Me and Justin have come to a conclusion that we would like to spend the rest of our lives in the presence of one another,"




She hung up.


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GUYS PLEASE CHECK OUT #PYD my new book!!! I hope you guys will like it! Spread the word!
-Adelina xo

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