The Chase

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(Y/N's P.O.V)

Twisting and playing with the plastic rose in my hands while bawling my eyes out. My heart hurt at the idea of not being able to see Justin anymore, snuggle with him in bed and kiss his perfect lips. I picked up my phone to see his cheerful eyes staring back at me which made me hurt even more.
"Get a grip (Y/N)" (Y/M/N) said.
"I'll miss him so much. You have no idea." I whispered. Hugging the rose against my chest my mom spoke.
"That pathetic piece of plastic. That's how you know he isn't right for you (Y/N) . He couldn't even spend his money on something memorable."
Is she being serious right now? I felt like punching her and screaming.
"DON'T YOU EVER DARE SAY THAT HE WASN'T RIGHT FOR ME!" I shouted as her eyes widened.
"I may talk as I please..." I gently said with a smirk smacked on my face. I loved outsmarting my mother, but my happiness slipped as I lay eyes on the rose again.

Justin's P.O.V

Breathing heavily as I try track my baby down, so she doesn't leave me all alone. The airport is still half an hour away, and she must be way ahead of me.

My heart was racing. The impact was huge. Blood on my arms covering my tattoos. Then suddenly my whole world went dark.. And her. Her picture was all I saw.

_______7 hours later__________

Opening an eye slowly I see my mum sitting beside me. Sleeping peacefully with dry tears in her eyes. I grab my iPhone, noticing stupid wires stuck in my arm. I checked twitter to see how my beliebers were doing and I accidentally tapped trends to see...


Aren't they the sweetest things?
I quickly tweeted. "I'm ok! Just a few bruises and cuts. Stupid wires stuck in my arm. Appreciate the trends! Thanks #muchlove #mybeliebers

The doctor came in slowly, but then normally walked to my bed after noticing I was wide awake. I noticed my mom opening her eyes then hugging me tightly.
"Thank goodness you're okay! I couldn't breathe without being with you. When I saw you in that state I was gonna die." She trembled as I rubbed her back. A single tear trailed it's way down my cheek as my eyes met hers. She kissed my forehead then moved out the way so the doctor could examine me.
"Mr Bieber, I hope you are conscious and well. Your blood pressure is low so you'd be suffering from dizziness from time to time. But don't worry, we've got everything under control."
Obviously not everything because the love of my life wasn't here.

The door opened, and in ran......

I promise what I have planned you'll not be expecting . Hold tight! The journey has just began. ;)
A x

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