You Missed Me...

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You missed me...

Justin's P.O.V

In ran a desperate Ryan, breathing heavily without a doubt. He held a letter in his right hand and Mcdonalds in the other.
"Dude! Are you alright? You banged your head hard in the steering wheel. Your leopard Audi is messed up!" He gasped.
I sighed and rubbed my head where a white band lay, strapped around like a bandana. My eye twitched as I eyed the cheeseburger and chips.
"Is it bad?" I asked quietly as he handed me my food and strawberry shake.
"You look fine, but the media is going crazy! Your fans are wild."
I licked my lips and shoved a chip in my mouth as I shook my head and gawked at the letter he clutched.
"And what's that about?" I pointed at the pink envelope as I made my way into my burger.
"Oh! It's for you!" He held it up in front of my face as I gently brought my hand up to grab it. Opening the envelope, a card peeked out with violet sheets of paper inside. I licked my fingers clean and opened the card to stare at a picture of me and (Y/N) laughing together at the EMA's. Her red gown embedded her body perfectly, as I outsmarted my suit and tie. My heart started beating faster as I clenched my jaw, envying my happiness. Ryan and mom were out of my hospital room, so they wouldn't add to my pain. I placed the card on my lap and picked up the scented violet paper. I opened it and gasped:

Dear Justin,
Times like these are hard, especially because we won't get to meet up or spend time with each other anymore. We probably won't even get to talk much because of the time zones and how busy we'll both be. But I want to wish you the best of luck and happiness in your life. Of course it won't be the same at the beginning but we'll figure it out and focus on what is best for us. Surely, I want to be with you more than ever and I can't express my love any clearer but I love you. Eternally. No matter what comes between, my heart is set on you and somewhere in forever we'll meet again. We used to be inseparable and we should remain irreplaceable. But for the time that we are apart, I want you to make me a promise. Give me your word that you won't go crazy and come after me or something like that because I'll always love you. And the moment I finish university I'll be in your arms again. As long as you keep that promise, and focus on your career, fans and music, everything will be alright. I love you more than my heart can handle and my heart is breaking as I am writing this, but I'll miss you Jay. I really will. But goodbye for now and best wishes. I love you. I miss you.
Love (Y/N) xox

Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I hugged the letter, acknowledging that she broke up with me for the time that we are apart. My heart was burning and my head was fuming. If it wasn't for that motherfucker to get in the way of my car and causing an accident I would have gotten to say goodbye properly. Or maybe even kept her back from going. But all I have now is me, myself and I. All alone. I missed her... I missed my chance.. Now all I have in the world is loss, and empty heart and music. Time to tell the truth through it... Tell the media to not make shit up and listen to the truth... All you gotta do is.......



THAT was emotional.

What do you guys think about 'Roller Coaster' ?
I love it so much! Favourite journal. It's so sad to think that there's only 2 more..

I won't get to see it :( I'm away and it won't play in that country. I'm an emotional wreck at the moment.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, uploading more soon.

Later y'all,
Love you.

A x

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