
Wow p'Arthit this pictures are really great.. isn't it ?"

"Yes sure .. wad and Prem are also looking so good like literally .. This experience was awesome ." Arthit explained .

"Yea p'a-" kongpob couldn't complete his words.

"Kongpob Sir.. it's a call from your mother ."

This few words brought terror to kong , he was very sure that his mother was up to something .

"Ohk .. I got it " kongpob then picked up the call in his office .


"Hello kong ? .. could you please come to my house tomorrow ?"

"Why mae ?? .." he said in a small voice .

"I have something to give you "

"Ohk .. fine .. I will " and then his mae hung up the phone .

"She wants me in her house tomorrow .. " he signed .

Arthit was quiet the whole conversation he still didn't say anything he knew that when ever kongpobs mother came in he would freak out like fuck .

But this was still a secret inside kongpob why he was scared of his mother to the hell level . He went to the flashbacks when he was a kid . It was such a gloomy day when suddenly something happened , he started arguing with his mother and his mother became really mad , she took the vegetable knife which was lying on the table and she threw the knife at him . So , kongpob was fortunate enough that it didn't wound any other place which would kill him . It hit his upper Thai,  it was really painful for him . But he didn't say this to anyone , the scare is Still there but a faded one, hopefully Arthit never saw it . That was not the only case where his mother had acted like a psychopath.

"Hello ?" Arthit picked up his phone it seemed like it was a call from an unknown number .

"Hello sir I'm the principal of ××× school .. I've called you to inform you that your sons have been in trouble and bitten up a kid of their own class very severely.  So I would like you to come and meet me now "

"Oh my god .. I'm really sorry .. I'll be there right now " Arthit replied .. and then the phone was disconnected .

"What happened p'Arthit ?" Kongpob was clueless.

"Our sons have betten up a kid from their class and so the principal called ."

"What .. Daeng and korn can  never do that .. "

"It's ok..  I'll leave .." Arthit stood up but then kongpob caught his hand .

"Deao.. you have a meeting .. I'll go "

"Kongpob .. no it's ok .. I can cancel it .. or prem will take care of it "

"Are you out of your mind ?," kongpob said . Arthit had nothing to say so he just let his husband go .

"But no need to come here .. I'll meet you at home .. it's already 3 ... I'll complete the work and then leave ."

" Ok ok fine.. I'm leaving now" he kissed Arthit and left .

When he got out the office building , there was an unexpected crowd with lots of camera's flashin and continuously raping all his movement and screaming
"Kongpob Sir.. ? Kongpob Sir "  Everyone was calling his name . But then Atid and the security guarded him and escorted him to his car . That was really weird , being famous is not an easy job and it was evident . He was yet to get comfortable with it, and it would take time .

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