"W-Whoa, that was — how did you do that?"

"It goes without saying that I quietly observe people."

My nose wrinkles, "Gee, when I'm quiet, I judge."

In the same time, my ringtone plays out and I know I have to go home. Harry smiles genuinely once he hears it, at the same time I can see his eyes reflect the little light coming from my phone.

"Must you go?" He asks and I laugh a little. "Come on, I'll walk you there."

We keep a light yet short conversation as we make our way to the parking lot which is a little too far so Robbie had to call twice. Still, the walk couldn't have gone by that fast.

"Thanks, Harry. For the time, words —" I sigh, "And everything in between." I open the car door.

"Likewise," he replies with a smile. "Hi, Robbie."

"Always a pleasure to see you, Mr. Sty-"

"Ah?" Harry obviously cuts him off. They seem close.

"Harry," Robbie continues. "Thank you for keeping Miss Swift's company, have a good night."

"Buona notte," Harry replies, again with a smile and walks off.

I get in the car and close the door. Still, I look outside the window and see Harry glancing every once in a while with that smile on his face. Nice to see those dimples again.

Robbie starts driving off and the sight of Harry starts disappearing.

"How was your day, Miss Swift?" Robbie asks.

I open my mouth, trying to find the right words. . . I smile instead and finally say, "Mesmerizing."

Truly, it was.

As I lean my head back and play the scenes of the day before, I remember something. . .

"Robbie," I call.

"Yes, Miss Swift?"

"You and Harry seemed close. Is there something going on that I don't know?" I ask.

"Mr. Styles has been very keen on keeping his knowledge about your well-being. He often talks to your mom to see if you're okay."


"Since when?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing.

"Since the beginning of the year," he answers.

Again, what?!

"Dude wants to me to tell the truth yet he doesn't say something about his side," I mutter under my breath. "How does he do that?" I would have seen him around at the least or maybe his car.

"Visits," he replies. "Yet he deliberately told me not to tell you how."

"I'm your —," I actually don't want to say 'boss' because every single one of the staff are my friends. "Friend. Hey, I'm closer to you."

Robbie laughs at my tone, "Of course, Miss Swift, yet things are quite different when keeping secrets of other friends. He seems like a nice boy."

"He is," I reply. "Though a little bit of a hothead sometimes, he's really nice."

The week played off much better after.

Friday. . .

"It's my birthday tomorrow!" Micha exclaims. "Oh my gosh, this is going to be great! Don't freaking forget!"

"Yeah, woot woot," Louis mutters in a bored way. "Micha, you remind us every day, I can assure you, we won't forget."

"Just a simple reminder," she retorts.

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