Ch 47, Rupture

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End's POV
I opened my eyes to only to be met by the gray unnatural sky of the mortal realm that we had left twisted and in shambles. The voices of my siblings seemed to pour into my ears, but it wasn't the faces and figures of those of my kin... but more unfamiliar Dracoweres. Through their mouths moved I could never hear them and they seemed to take no notice of my presence. They were flying, flying through the black space from of range what seemed a far away place to now Earth. Their group was consisted of for the youngest pups to the elders who flew slowly, they seemed to be taking their whole camp with them to Earth.... But why?
"Because of the rupturing disease, " Moonshadow's voice sounded from beside me. "They finally realized that their Midnight isn't coming back with the cure. So they must have left Smoth to escape the disease or they would surely all die and then raced here for they couldn't have stayed any longer." Her voice trailed off as I watched her out of the corner of my right head's eyes.
"So they seek to refuge here on Earth, where the other Dracoweres are in the cave." I murmured watching them slowly glide towards their destination.
"I must talk to Solar, before he corrupts to...... that point which I did all those years ago." I whispered, a sickening feeling came over me as I remembered that I was still the heartless creature my that my siblings feared. Moonshadow nodded her heads in understanding, for she too had crossed that boundary of corruption.
"I believe this is a vision of the present showing us of what is going to happen in the near future."Moonshadow continued watching the Dracoweres. "But it matters less, you must like you said get to your brother before it's too late. Your siblings are going to try and stop you because they still believe that you are completely set on revenge..."
"You don't have to tell me, I have the power of controlling time." I growled.
Silence settled in as we continued to watch the slow moving Dracoweres. Finally I broke the silence, "You know you will never be able to be normal ever....." I murmured darkly, sadness created over us as we stood there remembering the hellish fates we will never escape.
Moonshadow's heads turned to look up at me and her eyes were clouded with sorrow, "I very well know that, we both do....." Her voice drifted off as she turned away. I looked down at her demonic body, spikes spiked down her back, her shoulders, and heads, the shadowy wings that sprouted from between her shoulder blades, the gaping hole on her chest, the left side possessed by the demon of Hate, her eyes red like mine, and.... her chains that were attached to me binding a unspoken curse that I was condemned to by my siblings.
"I caused you so much pain, I turned you into a demon, I sent your family to death, I killed you, I even condemned you forever with my own chains..... Why do you even try to be happy around me...?" I felt a cold feeling of sorrow shiver through my body.
"Like I already said End, we are alike, we both have had corruption take us and we probably will never go back to the way we used to be...." Melancholy fell over us as what it seemed hours flew by.
With my three heads I looked myself up and down. My demonic eighteen red slit heartless eyes, my six pairs of chained horns, my twelve torn tails, my two pairs of red and black wings, my cracked clock, my six legs some bone showing and all chained, my skinless ribcage, chains rapped around my torso and my necks, and the dried blood on my fur.... no not just my fur but on my whole body reminding me of the deaths that I alone had caused.
I am truly far beyond saving..... A soft laugh rumbled in my throats as I turned my heads back to Moonshadow.
"Let's go save my brother." I chuckled.
As if my call had been answered a blinding light flashed and swallowed the space around us.
Then I suddenly realized that I had unknowingly stretched a smile across my faces, one that was full of joy, one that I hadn't shown for a very long time.....
Opening my eyes I could myself standing behind my siblings who were quarreling. Solar and Lunar were head to head, their eyes blazing. Cerberus, Brightsky, Darksky, Frostrion and Blazonrift were a ways back from my older brother and sister, their gazes were full of shock and fear. My eyes drifted over to the Scorpiox's dead crushed body, laid down on the ground beside a grieving Frostrion. My eyes turned back to Solar and Lunar, Lunar was stalking off toward the Dracowere cave, Solar's pure red eyes seemed to burn into her as he watched her leave.
Then without warning Solar bunched up his muscles and shot as fast as lighting towards Lunar, his pelt no more than a flash of gold.
Lunar' head turned just in time to see Solar leap onto her, her deep blue eyes widened as if in slow motion.
A flash of light blasted from where they clashed and when it died down, Lunar and Solar stood face to face just feet away from each other. Lunar had a gash across her muzzle from their collision and both had blazing eyes.
Their lips parted into a snarl and their claws shined in the light, unsheathed.
Sighing I took a deep breath into and lifted my heads to the sky letting out a ear ringing howl and my clock struck twelve.
The clouds slowed to the point where they seemed to hold in place, the other gods and Demi gods froze in place their movements slowed to the speed of a tortoise. Their eyes moved wildly as they realized what had happened. Finally Solar's, Lunar's, and all my kin's eyes drifted over onto my approaching horrific figure.
I slowly padded over to my older siblings, their eyes grew wide with terror and shock as I stopped to stand beside them.
Their mouths slowly opened in a gasp. I simply shook my heads and spoke.
"Yes I am back brother and sister, but this time I have come to save you not destroy you. I saw our parents, Stellar and Kronar...."
Their eyes seemed to show more shock than fear now, but the fear was clearly still there, for it seemed it would always be. Slowly their mouths closed and their horrified expressions turned to more calm ones.
"Solar, older brother, don't let hate and corruption take root and drive you, not like me.... It's not too late to fight it off, don't become like your younger brother." I chuckled a bit softly.
Solar's eyes clouded with shame, but yet he still held his gaze on me.
"I even saw the Nightwatcher's fallen kin.... even though I had sent them to be killed when they were in the middle sector, I saw her friend and adopted son who were killed by Dracoweres.... all of them, yet they forgave me...!" I whimpered, tears started to roll down my faces as I turned my left head to see Moonshadow standing there looking up a me, chained to me.
" really....back.....? Time...?" Lunar' voice slowly spoke up.
Turning back my left head I looked at her and smiled nodded, tears still rolling down my faces.
"I am.... but, I don't know for how long... you see I will never be safe, one second I could be Time and the next End. I could go from happy and calm to insane and hatful again. Even now I am taking a chance...." I said dipping my heads in shame.
"I... am....... glad...." Lunar's voice chocked and I raised my heads to see to my older sister's eyes had tears welling up.
"Your..... back..... finally.... brother...." Solar spoke, turning to him I realized that the hate and corruption had disappeared from his eyes and a look of rejoice lit up in his red eyes.
Suddenly something inside of me seemed to warm me from head to claw, a feeling that I thought would be lost to me... joy.
"Thank you..." I whispered as I felt my  consciousness start to slip away and my body begin to lean off to the side.
"Dear brother and sister...." I whispered as the world that just only now had grown light turned into darkness once more, as I felt myself fall over. The last thing I saw with my eyes was the figures of Lunar and Solar trying to reach me in time to catch me.
As the world turned once more to black I saw beside me Moonshadow.
"This will not be that last your world goes black, your with me you know..." Her voice seemed to drift off.
"Yeah, I know." I murmured as I closed my eyes and drifted away into the familiar sense of sleep.

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